Chapter 1

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CHECK OUT 'Maybe it's destiny' on my page!
It has more smut if you're into that and more to date/ better written
Thank you again!!!

As stated, You'll be reading the updated version!

"Gabriella Parker!" Nicholas Hanson, my boss, says scaring the shit out of me as I walk inot the conference room. "You're late. We are not going to keep waiting every time for you to appear."

"Sorry sir. I had to deal with an unsatisfied client." I state formally while sitting next to my bestfriend Jared Zimmer. "As you said when I began working here, 'we must not leave clients unsatisfied and we have to work to all extents to make them happy and satisfied. The company's reputation counts on everything we do!'" I notice his secretary, Hailey Stephens, roll her eyes.

"Next time notify me." Nick says. I nod. " Okay, on another note, Cruz Inc. has been advertised through social media and tabloids. They're facing record breaking sales. Does anyone know anything about what advertising companies they went through? What I want to know is what are things we can do to surpass their demand and sales."

"I heard the boss man gets around." Hailey says eyeing me. "Anthony Cruz could just be gaining clients by that." The reason why she is looking at me is because she caught him and I at a club. Anthony Cruz is my boyfriend. "There are hundreds of advertising agencies around, even the ones we use."

"Sir, I actually over heard, Gabby here, talking to Daniel Evans, one of the spies." Jared says. I look at him annoyed. He smirks.

"Oh? Did he find anything?" Nick asks me shifting in his seat. I sigh. I don't like playing both sides. I've never told Anthony anything important. I couldn't do that to Nick.

"I'm sure if you ask him, he can tell you. He has a full report about it." I say.

"Hailey, send Daniel an email requesting a one on one after this meeting." Nick commands standing again. He looks over at the manager for the advertisement floor. "Reach out to more companies to spread knowledge about Hanson Inc."

The meeting proceeds slowly as usual. The usual bad talk about Cruz Inc. After the meeting Jared and I go back to our cubby office. I call it that because it is the four foot walls with little cubbies for offices.

" So I don't get how you could listen. I mean he is your... boyfriend." Jared states. In start to pack up my things for the night.

"I tone it out. Did you see how Hailey said that on purpose?" I ask. " She is definalty out to get me. I'm surprised she hasn't ratted me out. For all she knows it could have been a one night stand."

"Oh, Gab, I didn't think you had it in you." I turn to see Daniel and Mr. Scott walking past. Nick looks at me questionably and Daniel grins.

"We were just..." I trail off. Daniel laughs.

"Have a good night, Gabs." He shakes his head as they continue.

"Oh my god." I whine. "We have to talk more quiet. They could have walked past a few moments before now."

"I can't believe it." Jared howls. I glare at him.

"Stop, it's not funny." I cry. "Especially not when I have to figure out how to dodge Hailey."

"Ignore her crap Gabby. It will make you the better person!" He says. I shrug.

"It's just horrible." I say. We make our way to the elevator. "I mean I could report her.... but I don't know exactly how." He nods. "I could get myself into deeper shit for bringing anything up." I press the lounge button.

"Maybe harassment, but you have to wait until it gets worse." He says. The elevator doors stop closing and open again. Nick walks in. He nods at us. Silence. The doors close.

"So, I was pretty impressed Parker!" Nick looks down at me, his eyes twinkling. Yeah, we can definatly ignore what I said a few minutes ago. "I talked to Evans and you basically had most of the information. Maybe I should have you as a spy." Jared nudges me with his elbow.

"Well I just know from word on the street." I claim.

"I don't think some stuff could be from the streets." He says looking at me, " I mean, you have to have a secret.... on how you are receiving this information."

"No, I just over heard and read things from articles." I say. It's the truth, I don't say anything that isn't out there. The elevator doors open. We get out.

"Keep impressing me like you are Parker!" He says. I smile. "Enjoy your night!"

"Bye." I give. We emerge outside and split. I could have swore I saw a wink, but the sun is shining ahead of us. Jared chuckles.

"Uh, what was that!" He asks.

"A conversation?" I say confused. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Every day it is the same thing, but different topics. He always has something to complement." He states. "Then, have a good day Gabriella, have a good night, see you, catch you later, see you around. I mean it is more complex how it occurs with you. Also, I saw him wink. I consider that flirting!"

"Flirting? He's our boss!" I laugh. "It's nothing like that."

"He likes you, if he didn't, I'm sure he would have noticed me in there too." He says. "Maybe I would have gotten a goodbye."

"Goodbye Jay!" I say. I get into my car, setting my stuff in the passenger seat. I quickly check my phone. A immediately see a missed call from Anthony. I dial his number into my Bluetooth. I have on of thoughs cars that you can use as a phone instead of being on your phone while driving. I pull out of the parking lot as it rings.

"Hi Baby." Anthony says answering.

"Hey." I say. " Sorry I missed the call. The meeting ran late."

"It's fine. What was the news?" He asks. " Like topic of the meeting?"

"They're worried about your higher income of clients. Same shit every time." I explain briefly.

"Figures. Today I moved a few employees to my undercover department instead of calling around. " He says.

"Wow, you're already a few steps ahead!" I say.

"Yes... so it is Friday, if you don't remember." He reminds. "I want your sexy ass at the new club on Hayden street." I smile. They recently built a place called Midnight Adventure. From the articles I've stumbled across, it's awesome. "8 O'clock Baby, and wear something sexy for me?."

"Okay." I purr with a smirk. "See you there."

"Bye Sexy." He says. The call ends. I sigh and pull into my driveway. I turn the car off and retrieve my items from the passenger seat and head inside. Heading into my kitchen/dining room, I ungracefully dump everything onto the table. I text Jared the plans to go to Midnight Adventure later. He is a major partier. I check the time. 6:40pm. I go upstairs and take a long shower making sure I shave everywhere. I love when my skin feels silky. I get out, and wrap my body with a towel. I go into my room, smiling when notice Anthony's boxers from last night. I smile and pick them up, tossing them into the hamper. Going to my closet, I go through the dresses. I need to shop for more. I pull out a strapless beige dress. The top resembles lingerie but the bottom half is solid. I lay it on my bed and got to my dresser. I pull out a black strapless bra and matching lacey thongs intended for sexy time later. I put them on, then slide the dress over my body. It is everything Anthony described he wanted. The bottom just covers over my ass and the top pushes my boobs up slightly. I go to my bathroom and do my hair and make up. I scrunch my hair making it wavy. I put on eyeliner and do my eyeshadow. To finish I apply mascara that makes my eyelashes look longer and thicker. I finish everything and go back to my room. I slide on black heels and grab my phone. I fish two twenty dollar bills out of my wallet before rushing out to my car.

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