chapter 1

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5 am already

I am excited about today first day at my new company branch in New York. I went to my in-home gym and worked out for a while. Later hoped in the shower. By 7:30 am, I am ready to take on today head high this investment is one of the most important of all my 15 branches. I wish father was here to see all my success but he is not. I look at myself in the mirror one last time before walking out of my mansion. My driver Jahid was right there waiting for me and opened the door for me.

"Jahid," I said and nodded

"Good morning ma'am," he said and closed the door and he gets into the car and we drive off.

The drive is about 30mins so I take the time to answer some emails and make some calls. Only important calls from my company back in Italy. As we got closer to the location, I saw the press all over the building. These people are pathetic. They will do anything to get a story. I hate the press so much.

"Are you ready ma'am?" Jahid asked

"Just gimme a second"

"Chloe if you're not ready for this we can leave," he said looking worried.

"No am fine I need this. I've waited long enough," I said looking more serious now. Jahid is like a brother to me. He has been with me since father was here. I take a long hard breath and nod to him and he gets that am ready he walks out and opens my door for me

Camera flashes everywhere. I see the guards come to clear a path for me. I put on my shades and walk to the door so gracefully ignoring all the questions coming at me like 'are you ready for this' 'after your tragedy are you well enough' things like that. It had been two years for goodness sakes. The tragedy is my dad's death.

As I get into the building the air tenses. I love that. Everybody goes very silent the only sound is the distant reporters and my heels on the floor.

I look at the two guards on both sides of the doors "take care of that" pointing at the reporters "unless you want to lose your jobs today" I take off my shades and look at them very sternly and so was my voice. They nod at me.

I walk to the private elevator but it does not open

Bloody hell! Someone is using my fucking elevator! Someone is losing his or her job today.

I look at the receptionist with a death glare.

"Next time something like this happens make sure you have a different job to go to." She is shaking like a lost puppy. Stupid irrelevant workers.

I hit the button again and it opens I walk in.

The door closes and I breathe. I decompress. Before the door opens I take a few more breaths. This is not how I wanted today to be but I need these people to fear me to get their jobs done properly.

As I get out on my floor, I expect to see my assistant with my itinerary but I see a young boy about 19.

"Goo-good morning miss" he stammers talking probably from fear.

"Where is Mrs. Michelson? Who are you?" I asked looking pissed

"My name is Nick miss and I'll be the one running your itinerary Mrs. Michelson is getting the boardroom ready for your meeting which is in exactly 5mins."

"Get Mrs. Michelson here right now," I say trying not to be mean to him.

"Your office is right this way ma'am," he says and I follow him. He stops at the door and leaves.

This is it, Chloe. Father would be so proud of you right now.

Before opening the door, I see a few employees that worked on this floor and they all had dreaded looks on their face. That means I am in control, I am no longer powerless and that makes me happy. I open my office door and take a moment to look at it. The room is mostly black white and a hint of burgundy. These colors complement each other it is not too bright in here but the natural light from the big glass wall at the end is amazing. My desk is huge and well had a grey couch on the side of the room and two little chairs a few feet away from my desk. I walk and sat on my chair.

A few seconds later Mrs. Michelson walks in.

"Where have you been? I don't appreciate lateness you know this" I look up and snap.

"I'm sorry ma'am" she handed me a file "the conference room is ready and everybody is waiting for you.

"Thanks, I'll be there in a minute." She nods and leaves.

I get off my seat and walk to the conference room. I took my stance at the head of the table and all the voices died down. Staff meetings are my favorite. I laid down the file and my phone on the table. Walked around the boardroom for a bit. Everybody's eyes on me

"This right here," pointing to them "this silence is the first thing all of you have done right since I got here. This is how I expect the building to be every time am here unless your customer service. I expect all of you to be at your utmost best every time you walk into this building. This will give us the best results and most of all lateness is not accepted. Late two times gets you fired so make sure your on time every day." I pause for a bit and lose the serious face and I have a half smile on.

"Now that we have the basics covered my name is Chloe Moretti, owner, and CEO of Moretti Enterprises and I hope I have a wonderful time working with all of you." I take a seat at the table and we go through all the introductions and H.O.D's. And we went through all ground rules and everything.

"One more thing I hate when my private elevator is used by anyone but me. Strictly out of bounce I hope we are clear."

I walked out of the boardroom and it was dead silent I think they all think am bipolar. I am happy they know who the boss is.

Hi, my fellow readers. I just first want to start by saying that thanks so much for taking the time out of your days to read my book. this is my first book so I would really appreciate constructive criticism and comments to keep me going. I know you will all be the best audience.


I love you guys already and I am so eager to hear your reviews 

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