Chapter 27

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"What did you find Jahid?" I said as I sat in my office chair trying as much as possible to hide my smile.

"So, are we just going to ignore what I just walked into?"

"Which is?" I say burying my head into random papers on my desk.

"The fact that I walked in on you locking lips with a particularly handsome fellow deserves an explanation." He looks at me expectantly, in all honesty, Jahid is the only person I can really trust with everything. I have known him for such a long time, and he has seen all of my flaws.

"Nothing that is of concern right now Jahid now tell me what you interrupted my evening for." I try to be serious, but I can't sound as cold as I usually am. I am happy and I like this feeling.

"I have good and bad news which one do you want to hear first?"

"Bad," I sit up straight ready for it

"The police are trying to get involved with the house break-in and the insurance companies have been calling to see if they should start an investigation as well."

"Get around that Jahid tell the cops I don't want any investigation of any sort. The insurance company will blow over, they don't have the resources to do a full-blown investigation on this issue."

"That is what I thought at first, but the cops have been trying to get information out of me this entire time and I am running out of excuses to give them. As for the insurance company they say you are too big a client to take lightly. So, they had requested a meeting with you through your secretary that I couldn't stop but they will be meeting with you in a few weeks I believe you can handle them."

"Ok, I can meet with them and have it settled. I know they are doing all of this for money nothing else. Now the good news."

"Oh, that's not all the bad news there is more, Juan reached out again. This time he said that since we refused to pay the money, he is going to take something close to you. He seemed very sincere."

"Well, that is stupid the only person close to me is my mother and she is touring the world. I would like to see him try to fly her out all the way here for some blackmail deal. The plane tickets will cost him and I doubt that if he was rich he would be going through such lengths to blackmail me." I wave it off as I start looking at other papers he just put on my desk.

"I am not sure she is the only one who is as close to you, remember you are starting to open yourself up to new people like the young gentleman you were with. I think he will be pretty good bait."

"Oh, please he is just my plaything," I flinch at how I horrible I sound but if keeping Nicholas out of this is by acting like he means nothing then so be it.

"All the years I have known you, Chloe, you have never once had a 'plaything' just be careful. Keep him out of the media's eyes because once he is out there, no one can tell what Juan can do."

Instinctively I take my hand to the tattoo we all had together. The one that bonded us even though we were far apart. Now it just makes me angry. I have even thought about getting it removed lately.

"Is that all the news?" I ask him to avoid his question.

"One more thing. Remember that guy Wyatt from the bar. The judge wants you to come in and give a statement apparently the case is more complicated than I thought. Because of the news on Juan and you punching him so hard. He is using that in his defense saying you abused him and all that. The judge knows it's a rouse, but he needs you to come to court for appearances only." I feel so irritated already and I was having such a good night and now all of this to deal with.

"Ok when is the court date set? I really hate America." I really do. "All of my memories in this country haven't been the best. My father died here, I've been here for about 2 months and I am a regular at the ER."

"It's set for 3 days from now. I think Monday. It is not a court formal appearance it will just be in the judge's office and a few other people. I already talked to the legal team. They are well aware of the situation."

"Thank you Jahid. You have a good night now." He looks at me one more time, slightly nods and walks out.

I feel like I need a good workout to relieve this stress. This is beyond ridiculous. America was my last choice of locations, but this country is very important for the company. It was a business decision only.

I walk down the hall to get changed and go to my gym.

Thinking about all the things I've endured this past week has got me thinking I should move back to Spain where mother is. I still cannot believe Juan is blackmailing me. Juan the good brother, the one who stood up to the bullies for me in primary school. Juan who took the fall for me when I broke Alexis' floor jar in a game of hiding and go seek.

My brother who begged my mother not to throw me out that night, he begged her and cried, I saw him come out the gate that night looking for me but he couldn't go too far before Alexis dragged him back inside the house.

I didn't think he could really hurt me but the attack that night made me think otherwise. I need to go back to training after the court hearing. I need to be ready for whatever may happen in the near future. I need to make sure I'm ready to fight. 


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