Chapter 29

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Once Jahid pulls into my driveway I see a truck, a big beautiful truck, black but the paint job was still shiny. The wheels were massive and oh my goodness I love the car, I love it so much. I bet the engine could roar this house down. I just stand there for a while admiring the truck before I decide to touch it. Running my hands down the body of this truck sends me chills.

Did Christmas come early or something? I do not care if this is on my property it is mine. Then I realize this truck isn't a gift so who put it here? Hmm, I think if this was a gift would have a bow, with fancy stuff and some sort of note. Anyways I need to sleep, I'll worry about this in the morning I am fried.

I head into my house and the aroma of food hits me, good food, like the kind you see in cartoons right before the character blindly follows the smell. I wonder what Juanita is making today, in fact, I do not care it smells delicious and I am starving.

"Juanita darling what are you cooking? It smells lovely." I say as I turn the corner into the kitchen, and I am stopped dead in my tracks when I see perfection. He was standing there looking right at me with a spoon in his hand his hair a little messy, Nick was standing in the middle of my kitchen with an apron on. He gave me a signature smile and some of his hair fell to his face.

"Well I have never been called Juanita before, on the bright side this is the first time you've called me darling and I love it." He was smiling cheek to cheek and I was blushing so hard.

"Oh, my goodness, you are ridiculous. I thought I told you not to come over tonight." I say trying to be serious, but I can barely hold my smile in he just looks ridiculous in that apron.

"Oh really because I could have sworn you said to come over because I had a very hard day," I walk into the kitchen and place my purse on one of the chairs and take off my heels one at a time, my legs need to breathe.

"You don't say, hmm I must have forgotten." I say very sarcastically and perky "So what are you making for me today?" I said as I was walking towards him and stopped abruptly, something just hit me, "Oh My Goodness, the truck outside is it yours?"

"Yes, it is? Do you have a problem with trucks?"

"That car is amazing, I want to take it for a spin, yeah I do like right now. Let's go!"

"Slow down princess not happening." He holds me and spins me around to face him. "You look really pretty today." He says in a lower soothing voice.

"I see what you are trying to do, and it is not going to work. I really want to take your truck for a spin, ten miles and that is it. Promise," I give him my best mixture of puppy dog eyes and flirty eyes.

"Two miles." He says

"Nine miles," I say back to him with my negotiating tone. Stepping just close enough to him so we just have to whisper, and I can feel his breathing. "This will make me very happy and when I am happy, I do amazing things."

"Ok fine, we can go for a ride, but you have to eat first. I made food for you. I think you will like it." He points towards the stove then I walk out of his embrace.

"I would love to, but I need to freshen up first. Just let me get ready ok." I quickly scan the room for his keys.



Jackpot. I locate the keys on the Island next to the wine glasses. I need to make a run for it if I want to drive that car this is my chance. I sprint towards the keys and as I am about to lay my hands on the keys, I feel his hands wrap around my waist pulling me behind.

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