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This was really a beautiful view. These mountains were truly gorgeous. I haven't seen a view like this since the day father ...

Don't go there, Chloe.

Unplug remember. Nicholas time.

sitting here on this picnic blanket with him, watching the sunset, eating all kinds of lovely finger food, and drinking amazing wine is making me think I can see a shot with him but I am too dangerous. My past is too deep to explore with him at a time like this.

"What are you thinking about there, Chloe? you just zoned out." he had a strawberry in his mouth about to take a bite and man was that sensual. almost like one of those food commercials but only this time the lips of the actor was being promoted not the food.

"Nothing just taking in the view, this is so beautiful."

"I knew you would love it. I think you are a lady who loves nature but never lets herself enjoy it."

"I don't let myself enjoy a lot of things. it is just the way life has to be."

"Hmm like letting yourself enjoy the time with me? or letting yourself look at a possibility of us in the future?" he was looking at me with serious eyes and I had to avert the conversation I do not want to talk about this. Talk about me is off the table. the more he knows the more at risk he is in.

"I think you became the wrong kind of doctor you know. A therapist would have been more suitable."

"What makes you say that?"

"Oh, nothing just the fact you are psychoanalyzing me. But anyways I want to know more about you. Tell me, how did you know you wanted to be a doctor?"

"I know you are avoiding the conversation about you but I will go with it for now. Anyways, my original plan was to become a navy seal but then I did an internship at a hospital one summer that was close by my house. Everything about that environment stuck out to me, I also loved the idea of fighting front line and protecting our country," his eyes lit up as he talked about his journey to self-realization. "I was torn between both for a while but I had a conversation with both my parents and then decided to be a medic on the field, I became an army medic." he looked off away like he missed that life and he wanted to be there again. Back to the time when he made that choice to be a medic just to live in that moment and be happy.

"That is a beautiful story you know, so are you going on another tour or did you get discharged." I try to make a little joke that I know was terrible but he laughed. That lifted the mood a little.

"I had to come home for ... a family emergency and I do not intend on going back. I have been back three years and I went through therapy for PTSD, which was really serious when I just came back. but it is all good right now. Someone needed me to be here and not on the front line. So I came in and found a job in the hospital and I travel from time to time helping out patients who can't come to me." I wonder who needed him. A family member of some sorts, it seemed like a sore topic to him but he talked about it regardless. I didn't want to push and ask who so I left it alone.

"Impressive! Coming home from multiple tours in war zones can be tricky and getting back into civilian life can be hard. You did it though but the funny thing is I bet you that day on the street which means you are not as strong as you should be." He looked at me with a smile on his face and he started laughing.

"You punched me and broke your wrist. I think it is safe to say that I am a lot stronger than you."

"That was just because my aim was off. I challenge you to a rematch with me and see how it ends lieutenant," I smile back. I know he would beat me in a rematch because he was clearly stronger but it will be fun trying.

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