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Tw: Drugs (there isn't drug usage though <3)

"Michael?" Luke asked himself, confused as to why his ex boyfriend was knocking on his apartment door at three in the morning. It looked like he was breathing really fast and heavy, chest heaving up and down. He looked paler than usual his cheeks sucked in and his eyes glassed over brimming red on his water line, yet no tears the blonde could detect.

Luke decided to unlock the door while leaving the chain lock on so it would only open a couple inches. Michael didn't even wait for the blonde to open the door pushing it, well, more like falling into it.

"Are you in there, Lu?" He panted breathing through his mouth. Luke only popped his head out a tiny bit nodding.

He knew while Michael was looking like this. He was catastrophizing, a word he learned in a support group when he was 12. Michael was overthinking about not having his precious little pills,powders, and needles, he never expected Michael to bring those substances into his– their life when he knew that Luke grew up with drug addicted parents and drugs were a sensitive topic for him.

"Hi... Hi.... Hi." Michael continued to pant feeling like he was gonna pass out from not having his three day dose. Sniffling he held onto the door closing his eyes before speaking again.

"Listen, I need you to give me some money, just a little." Michael stuck his hand through the door waiting for the blonde to place a twenty in his hand. "I-i hear you Michael, but I can't help you." Luke stared at his hands wanting him to put them back in the hallway.

"All you have to do." Michael sniffling while wiping his nose and eyes, "is give me some money, twenty– Ten at least." Luke started to tear up wanting Michael to leave. "I don't have any money." He lied causing his ex to mumble some incoherent words knowing the blonde was lying.

"Can you hold my hand?" Michael asked sticking his hand through the again just this time his whole arm was through the door. Luke hesitantly placed his small hand on Michaels bigger one. "Ill hold your hand." Luke whispered tears brimming his eyes.

"Can you give my some money, Lu?" Michael asked again squeezing Lukes hand hoping to convince the blonde. "I d-don't have any." Lukes voice cracked as it went out. He laid his head on the door tears streaming down his face wanting to yell at Michael to leave but not finding it in his heart to do so.

A couple minutes went by of Michael trying to convince the blonde to give him some dollars. Soon Michael got frustrated releasing Lukes hand before banging his fist in the door, right next to Lukes face.

The blonde gasped loudly pulling his face away letting out sobs watching michael bang and push on the door. "Gimme some fuckin' money luke!" He growled pushing on the door trying to get it open. "Im your fuckin' boyfriend give me some money you piece of shit!" He continued.

Lukes violently shaky hands grabbing his phone before using all his strength to shut the door, fortunately Michael became weak over the past 11 months so he was able to lock it correctly dialing 911 gasping for air not be able to think straight sliding down his door as Michael slid down the other side of the door.

"Luke please, i love you so much. You're my boyfriend, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease." Michael began to scream before it turned into rushed words coming out as mumbles. Tears falling down his face continued to lazily bang in the door repeating the same words over and over.

"Someone's trying to break into my apartment." Luke whispered over the banging. "I don't know who they are.... Luke..... he has a knife.... hurry." Luke spoke to the lady on the phone giving her his address while she said to keep the doors locked and that they'll be there shortly.

"Luke, please" michael hollered banging on the door. Luke just covered his ears and squeezed his eyes shut hoping the police would be there soon and michael would get the help he needs.

He hoped.

This is inspired by 'The basketball diaries' i love me some young Leo sucks that hes a old man now.

Please tell me what you think of this so i know if i should unpublished this or not. :) ive been thinking to delete a lot of my one shots just because i dont think they're good

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