lies & highs +

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tw: smut

Michael panicked when he got that text from luke. the one thing that could start one of the biggest arguments the two has ever gotten into.

hey im coming over :p

michael and luke made a promise that they would both spend their first time getting high together. Luke stuck to that promise while michael... didn't. When he was 15 he became friends with some senior football players (he played with them) and they asked if michael wanted to hang out after school.

of course michael said yes.

basically once they got back to the football players house they pulled out a baggie of the plant. michael thought about his promise with luke, he knew he was being inconsiderate when he didn't even care about the promise they made when they were 12.

that was michaels first time getting high. soon after that he began drinking and going to parties too.

Luke had no idea, it was one of the big secrets michael kept from the blonde.

so when michael recieved that text while him and his buddies were drinking while also high,

he panicked.

"uh, my... mom? is coming home so you guys have to leave like r-right now." michael stuttered in panic mode. He couldn't think fast at all and the room felt dizzy with how fast he stood up to push his friends out the door.

"sh-shit shit shit."  michael mumbled once his friends got out the door. He tried to go as fast as possible up the stairs to his room. he changed his clothes throwing them in the washing machine while spraying 'axe' all through the house. knowing his mom was gonna get onto him about the strong smell later but he didn't care right now.

Luckily he was only tipsy. however, he was as high as mount everest and he couldn't do anything about his red heavy eyes or his slow speech and thinking.

He knew he was dead once he heard the door bell ring and luke shouting his name outside.

michael opened his door facing the blonde who smiled dropped once he saw how michael looked. "michael are you having a allergic reaction?" the blonde said worridly walking in before coughing. "its probably from all the cologne you sprayed...what the hell." luke choked covering up his mouth with his shirt.

"sorry." michael said quickly trying not to stutter. Luke furrowed his eyebrows, "why are you talking so fast?" he asked walking  up to michael putting his hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever. "you feel fine."

"i just....uh–don't wanna... want to- uh..." he trailed off. Luke worried expressiion changed to a hurt one then quickly to a angry one.

"your breath smells like weed and alcohol!" the blonde gasped pushing his friend causing michael to lose his balance and fall. he knew he was fucking screwed it was like his sober self was telling him what to say but him high doesn't understand.

"i-im s-s-sorry." he stuttered rubbing his head before laying on the ground looking at the ceiling.

"you dont seem fucking sorry!" he yelled while his eyes filled with tears. "we promised michael!" he continued. michael head was pounding, even him sober inside couldn't think.

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