Yuu Yanase x Yoshino Chiaki

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If you don't like this ship (which I also don't like) bear with it
Also, I think this will be short af!

Yanase's POV:

Yoshino Chiaki, the guy who I love the most, the guy who I work with, the guy that you'll have fantasies with.

I could still remember the first time I saw him, we were still teens at that point, I was new to the school and don't even know anyone there but them he came.

"I'm Yoshino Chiaki, what's your name?"

"Yanase Yuu"

Today, I work for him as a co-manga artist

"Yanase, are you okay?"

I looked to his eyes and I saw hints of concern

"I'm fine just zoning out" I said

I looked at my surroundings, seeing that we're the only ones left at the office.

"Where is everyone?" I asked him

"They went home, it's already done" he said to me

"Maybe, you should go home too, I'll stay here for a while" he added

"Why are you staying here?" I asked him

"Tori is taking me out for dinner today" he said

When I heard those words, I started to get jealous. I mean I support it but I just couldn't help but think if it was me, making Yoshino happy.

While waiting for Hatori to come, we started to talk about things like the next manga and stuff but then I did something and particulary STUPID.

I just kissed Yoshino, Hatori's gonna kill me.

Chiaki's eyes were widened and he pushed me off.

"The hell you're doing?" he asked me

"I'm so sorry but I couldn't control it" I told him

He was wiping his lips onto his sleeves

"Do you have feelings for me?" he asked me

I just nodded, I couldn't look at him after what I have done.

"I'm so sorry but you'll always be my assistant and friend" he told me


We heard the door opening, revealing Hatori.

"Let's go Chiaki" he said

He grabbed Tori's hand and walked out of the office, leaving me here, not knowing what to do.

If he only sees me like that..

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote something.

I'm sorry for kissing you, I hope you can forgive me for what I have done and what I'm going to do. I resigning as your co, find someone else. I'll be leaving and you'll never see me again.

~Yuu Yanase

I gathered all of my belongings and went to my hometown, Kyoto, to forget things and to forget the guy who broke my heart, Yoshino Chiaki.


Poor Yuu Yanase, I hate the ship okay (I'll be honest) but come on, he's fuc*ing hot! Like I think sometimes that he'll battle Kou Yukina in a modeling competition (Winner is: Yukina is BAE)

This will be the only Yuu x Yoshino in this book..

Next: Shouta Kisa x Kou Yukina: I'm Sorry

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