Takano Masamune x Onodera Ritsu

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Found You

Takano's POV

It was hell week, the day was not going smoothly as I expected because authors are not handing their manuscripts early or on time so that we have plenty of time.

While we were working for 40 hours straight with none of us going home to even take a shower, we were visited by a particular guy.

"Excuse me, is this the Emerald Team?" he asked

I looked at him up and down before answering him.

"Yes, who are you?"

"I am Onodera Ritsu, I was assigned here." he told me

Because of the hectic schedule, I even forgot that there was someone new coming in but who cares, it is your job to concentrate so much on what you're doing because people read.

"Excuse me, Takano?" he said


"What should I do?"

I was shocked because he didn't know what he was supposed to do, this is gonna be a tough one.

"I thought you know what to do?"

"I was a literature editor before, I didn't even pick or even dreamed to be in the shoujo manga editor" he said

I laughed at his lack of knowledge, it was the first laugh I've had for weeks ever since hell week or even month started.

"Kisa here will show you the ropes and the skillset you need to be at least a decen manga editor, either way, you are still useless for us."

"Hey, be careful on what you say to my dear Ricchan" Kisa said

"Ricchan?!" Ritsu said

I laughed at their arguement on why Kisa called him by that nickname but the bickering went on for 3 hours and I became annoyed because they weren't even doing any work.

"Oi! Get back to work the both of you!" I said

The two got scared and got back to work immediately. I got up to go smoke and relax a little.

"Where are you going?" Ritsu asked

"Going to the cafeteria, just gonna let some fumes out" I said

"I'll join you" he said

"Wait, you smoke Ricchan?" Kisa asked

"For the last time, dont call me Ricchan! And no, I don't smoke just gonna take a breather from all the pointers you're giving me"

I got up and followed me to the cafeteria, I went to the smoking place and Ritsu got us some canned coffee.

He sat down and the place just became silent until Ritsu asked me a question.

"Hey Takano?"

"What is it?"

"Why do I get the feeling that I know you?" he asked

I was shocked on what he said because the time I saw him I felt something and I only felt that when I look at Oda.

"Who are you?" he asked me

"Like you know or even heard, my name is Takano Masamune and who are you?"

"My name is Onodera Ritsu" he said

He smiled and I feel like that smile is what I've been looking for ever since Oda left me.

I don't know what came into me and I just suddenly kissed him.

He pushed me because of the shock of a total stranger and his boss kissing him.

"What are you doing?!"

He slapped me so hard and ran away from me.

What the hell did I just did! He was a total stranger and I don't even know the guy!

After that, I went back to the office and I didn't see Ritsu anywhere.

"Oi Kisa!"

"What is it?" he asked me

"Where is Ritsu?"

"He came here crying then got his things and just left" he said

"Where did he went to?" I asked

"Well, he did say that he was moving apartments today but he didn't say where" he said

I sighed in defeat and went back to work.

After a few hours, hell was finally over and all of us can go home. I packed up my things and went home.

I walked out of the building and walked to my apartment building, when I arrived there I saw a moving van there with Ritsu carrying some things in hand.

I went to him to apologize but I was too much of a coward so I hid behind the truck.

He was carrying a lot of boxes and I felt bad about it but I was still ashamed on what I did.

He entered the building but I saw that he dropped a photo on the ground, I picked it up and my eyes are shocked.

I ran inside the building and asked the front desk on what room was Ritsu in and my eyes became even more larger when I heard that it was beside my unit so I rushed to the nearest elevator and pressed the number 8.

When I reached floor eight, me and Ritsu met eyes. He was rushing to go inside of his apartment but I ran and hold him tight.

"Oi Takano, let me go this instant!" he said

"Oda, is that really you" I said

I felt tears in my eyes, it was really him. The guy I that I love for so long.

"How do you know?" he asked then I gave him the photo he dropped, the photo of me and him during highschool.

"Oda, its me Saga" I said

I didn't know what to do, I was really vulnerable and shocked to see that I found the person that I was looking for the entire time, the love of my life.


I kissed him and it felt like heaven, it really felt that timw stopped completely.

"I thought I lost you, I thought you left me because you didn't love me" I said crying

"No, I was insecure about the night before I left, I thought that you were just playing with me" he said

"I was a brat, I'm sorry"

He hold my face and saying that it was alright. Then I kissed him again that was filled with love and passion.

"I finally found you"

"I can't believe that I finally found you too"


Autor here, I was pumped with energy when I saw this book reach 4K views so I made this.

Thank you again for supporting this book!


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