Yokozawa Takafumi x Kirishima Zen

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I Like You, I Love You

Yokozawa's POV:

I woke up with a massive hangover, I just wanna puke so bad. I ran to the bathroom and I saw Kirishima taking a bath.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty, like what you see?" he said to me

I blushed so hard and I didn't even realize that I was staring at him so I immediately went back to bed and tried to go to sleep but then I heard the bathroom door open, so I closed my eyes for him to think that I was sleeping.

"Yokozawa, I know you are awake" he said

My heart skipped a beat. I felt butterflies in my stomach was it because of the hangover or something else.

"Yokozawa!" I snapped out of it after I finally heard my name.

"What?" I asked him

"I was calling you a couple of times and yet you weren't responding"

I blushed, I couldn't say anything.

I looked all over the room and I realized that I wasn't in my apartment so I asked him on where the hell were we.

"Do you even remember anything?"

My mind went blank, not knowing what he was saying. I looked at him a little puzzled.

He sighed and went infront of me.

"What are you even doing?" I asked him because his face was so close to mine and I can feel my face buring up

Then he kissed me so passionately that I don't want that kiss to end at all but all good things have to end.

I pushed him away. My body just froze after that kiss, my mind couldn't process anything that was happening at that moment.

"What was that for?!"

"You really don't remember anything from last night?" he asked me again

My mind just thinked of one thing that could happen.

"DID WE HAVE SEX?!" I screamed

"Nah, we just made out. We didn't have sex because you passed out from drinking too much" he said

"So you took advantage of my drunk self?"

"No, you kissed me first" he winked at me while saying that

When I saw that face, I felt my heart pounding and I just wanna kiss him again but I knew that I hate him, that I was still inlove with Takano.

Do I still have feelings for Takano?

"Earth to Yokozawa!"

I was really spacing out again then I felt his hand on my face and I realized that I don't know what the fuck is going on.

"I love you Yokozawa, I really do." he said

My opened my mouth but nothing came out after saying that he loved me but I asked what happened last night.

He laughed, he freaking laughed.

I felt like Ritsu when he asked Takano if they were in a relastionship, well have to say sorry to Ritsu later when I see him.

He told the whole story.

He told me that I went to his apartment, drunk and when he opened the door I just started kissing him.

He went on and on, telling me the whole story and when he was done. I put on my clothes and walked away from embarrassment.

I went home and called in sick because of my hangover, I didn't want people to think that I was a drunk or anything so I didn't risk going into work.

After a few hours, I heard my doorbell. I opened the door and thought that it was Ritsu because I asked him to come over to talk and fix somethings but I saw Kirishima standing at my front door.

"What do you want from me?" I asked

"I love you and I know that you love me too" he said to me

"I was drunk during that time, I was intoxicated. You really think that I was inlove with you" I said

But I was truly inlove with him even if it was only today.

He kissed me, he kissed me like there's no tomorrow.

I pushed him away.

"So what if I'm inlove with you, even if it was only today I realized my feelings so what?" I said

He was shocked on what he heard.

"I love you dummy, I love you!" I screamed

"I love you too" then we kissed again, knowing that we truly love each other.

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