Yoshino Chiaki x Yoshiyuki Hatori

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Feelings Change

Chiaki's POV
Its been 5 years since me and Hatori became a couple, its been five magnificent years but as the five years pass by, my feelings for him changed.

One night, we were having dinner at our new house that we just bought, while we were eating he suddenly kissed me. That moment I didn't feel any spark, I didn't feel that I was in love with him.

While I was thinking about my feelings for him, he suddenly proposed to me.

I gasped when I saw him on one knee and holding out the most beautiful yet simple engagement ring I've ever seen but my heart didn't skipped a beat. I felt like I was falling out of love.

I started crying when I realized that my feelings where going away.

"Chiaki, what will be your answer?" he asked me

"Hatori, I don't know" I said to him

I was suddenly filled with guilt when I  saw his eyes, his eyes were full of questions on why that was my answer.

He stood up and went outside. I didn't follow him because I was ashamed. I was ashamed from what I was feeling.

I walked to the back door to talk to him but as I was opening the door, I heard him crying. I just wanna disappear, I just wanna not to exist.

I just went to the guest bedroom and slept there because I wasn't worthy of sleeping beside him.

I questioned myself why I was feeling like this, why did my feelings just went away. I didn't know why or how this happened. I couldn't sleep, I was crying the whole time.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 2am, I went out of the room and went upstairs to go to our room to see if he was already sleeping. I gently opened the door and saw Hatori sleeping peacefully.

I smiled when I saw that he was sleeping, I was about to close the lamp when I saw the engagement ring for me.

I picked it up and admired its beauty, the cut was amazing. I even tried it on and it fits so perfectly and that's where I started crying again.

I realized that he really loved me and was ready to marry me, to spend the rest of his life with me but I wasn't, my feelings quickly changed.

I realized that he deserved better.

I picked up a pen and paper and wrote him a letter, a letter explaining everything I'm about to do. I removed the ring out of my finger and placed it on the box.

I quietly packed my things and left the house. After that I called Ritsu and told him I need a place to stay for a while.

He agreed for me to stay in his old apartment so I got a taxi and went to that address.

When I was on my way there, I heard my phone ringing. I thought it was Ritsu so I immediately picked up.

"Ritsu, I'm almost-"

"Ritsu? It's Hatori!"

My heart just stopped from beating, I was sweating so much and my breathing got faster.

"Oh Hatori"

"Where are you going?" he asked me

"I'm going somewhere far away from you, somewhere where I can no longer hurt you"

My tears came back and was ready for round two.

"Chiaki, it doesn't mean that you rejected my proposal that you've hurt me, I can wait for you"

"Don't wait for me, please"

"I love you"

I dropped the call and went on from crying until we've reached my destination, I got out of the cab and paid. I got in the building and saw Ritsu and Takano waiting for me.

They went to my direction to talk to me on what's happening.

I told them that Hatori proposed to me but I rejected.

"Why did you reject Hatori? I always knew that it would be the both of you until you die"

I smiled and looked at them.

"Feelings change, they always do change."

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