Kou Yukina x Shouta Kisa

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Not Meant To Be

Kisa's POV

I'm 30 years old and still don't have a boyfriend! Maybe I'm getting too old for relationships or its just me saying that I'll never find my prince, I'll never find him and if I do, I'll be too dense to even realize it and now here I am at a bar flirting with other guys just so I can hook up with them.

Some guys have been buying me drinks here o there but there was a certain someone who caught my eye, he looks like 20 years old, so that's good enough for me. I got off my chair and went to him all drunk and hot.

"Hey cutie, what's your name?" I asked

"My name is Yukina Kou and you are?" asking me while he was stretching out his hand for a hand shake

"Hi Yukina, my name is Shouta Kisa but you can call me yours." I said

He laughed at me and smiled so brightly at me, he's such a prince but I wish he can be my prince...

"Why are you looking at me?" he asked

"I love your face, its so perfect!" I said to him

"So you only love my face?"

"What I mean is-"

"Honeyyyy" said a woman in the background, I turned around to look and saw her waving to someone

I turned red when I realized that she was waving to Yukina, I froze from embarrassment and cursed myself because of it. My mind turned blank, I didn't know what to do and I just wanna get of there to escape this heartbreak that I'm experiencing right now.

WTF! Why do I feel hurt about this? I didn't even know him, so why am I feeling this way?

Then I returned to my senses and snapped my head up but they weren't there anymore and disappeared from the bar. The prince charming of my dreams is already taken away by someone but I realized a piece of paper was infront of me, I decided to look at it and saw his phone number and a message saying to message and call him but I decided to rip the paper and throw it away.

I got out of the bar, feeling sober and went back home. On the way home, I suddenly bumped into someone. When our eyes met, I was shocked to see him.

"Ah Kisa-san! You already going home?" he asked me

"Yeah, kinda tired" I answered

"Did you see that I left you my number?"

"Yeah, but I rather not"

"Why not? I was even planning to ask you out sometime." he said

"You have a girlfriend" I said with an annoyed voice

"Broke up with her."

"So will you go out with me?" he asked

"Goodbye Yukina, goodbye my prince charming." I said and immediately sprinted out of his sight

I was running and running, I heard his voice calling out to me but I didn't look back. I was still running until I finally reached my apartment, my eyes still with tears and my heart broken.

"I'm sorry..."

"It wasn't meant to be...." and I blacked out from all the crying that I've been doing.

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