Yokozawa Takafumi x Kirishima Zen

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Grow Old With You

Yokozawa's POV

Me and Kirishima had been a couple for 6 years already. Yet it seems like it was only yesterday when we confessed our feelings for one another and I can't even believe that I have the ability to love again after a heartbreak.

I was on the new house that me and Kirishima bought, it was only a simple two storey house, nothing special. I picked the house because he wanted a huge mansion for me, him and his daughter.

While I was taking my morning coffee, I heard Hiyori coming to the kitchen/dining room.

"Goodmorning Hiyori" I said

"Goodmorning Daddy" she said with the biggest smile that I'll ever see

Ever since that she had knowledge of me and his father dating, she've been calling me 'daddy' ever since because she sees me like a mom material.

"Daddy, me and dad has a surprise for you later" she said to me while fixing up her breakfast

I was shocked when I heard this and a little disappointed because surprises are supposed to be kept a secret.

"And what is this surprise you're talking about?" we heard the sleepy Kirishima said

"Dad, I was talking about you..."

He immediately covered Hiyori's mouth so that she wouldn't spoil anything anymore. She bit his father's hand and run away to her room, laughing.

After that, he made some coffee and head over to the two person table where I was sitting.

"So, what's this surprise Hiyori was talking about?" I asked him

"It's a surprise and make sure to be here around 8pm, okay?" he said

I hummed in reply while wondering what's this surprise and what will he do.

I got up and changed some clothes after that and went to work.

I arrived at work and saw Ritsu and Takano approaching me.

"Goodmorning Yokozawa"

"Goodmorning to the both of you too"

Then, we got into an elevator and pushed the buttons on what floor we were going to.

"Oi, Yokozawa" Takano said

"What?" I said

"What are you and Kirishima up to tonight?" he asked in annoyance

"What are you talking about?"

Then the elevator opened to my floor and hopped off.

I was puzzled on why Takano asked me that question, does he know what the surprise will be. I arrived at my station and started working, while I was working, my phone buzzed and saw that Hiyori left a message for me.

Hiyori: Be home at 8pm okay?

I replied okay and got back to work, while I was working, my mind was bombarded with questions on what was the surprise going to be? I was thinking of ideas on what they will do, it wasn't our birthday or our anniversary either so I was stumped.

With the working and the questions I have been asking myself for the entire day has made me forgot about the time, and when I looked at my computer, I was shocked that it was already 7:30pm.

I immediately packed my things and ran home, when I arrived at the gate, I saw a path of roses that was leading me inside of the the house so I followed it and brought me to the dining room and there I saw a wonderful dinner and with Kirishima waiting for me.

"Oi, what is this about?" I asked

"Can I just surprise you with a lovely dinner?" he said

I couldn't say no because I was hungry and tired so I sat down and ate like a lion that has not eaten anything for one week.

"Slow down there" he said while cleaning my mouth that is full of sauce

"So, is this the surprise?" I asked him

"Part of it" he said

While eating, I heard the alam clock ring. I looked at the time and it was 8:00pm. Then I looked up and saw Kirishima kneeling and Hiyori, Takano, Ritsu and everyone I knew hold the letters and I gasped when I saw it.

"Yokozawa Takafumi, will you take my last name and marry me?"

"Yes" then he slid the ring onto my ring finger and kissed me

"I love you so much Yokozawa, I can't wait to grow old with you"

"I can't wait too"

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