Kou Yukina x Shouta Kisa

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I'm Sorry

Kisa's POV:

I couldn't believe that I would really fall in love with someone, I thinked that I would be lonely forever but I found someone.

I just loved his pretty face but when we got to know each othere, there was a certain click.

Kou Yukina, prince charming, the man of my dreams.

I was at work, doing everything needed.

Today was a really busy day, the author that I'm working with isn't handing over her manuscript so that got me worried.

I called her, asking her where is her work then she told me that she won't make the deadline.

I told her to work on it, the day after tomorrow is her deadline so she really needs it, especially me as an editor.

Then, there were plenty of meetings about the manga becoming an anime, I have to be there as an editor and as a representative for the author, since she's really busy.



After four meetings and 6 cups of coffee, I can already go home!

I went to the office to get my stuff but while I was fixing, somebody called.

It was Yukina so I picked it up.

Yukina: Hey Kisa! You free?

Kisa: Yeah, I just finished work. You need something?

Yukina: Yes, I need to see my boyfriend

Kisa: Okay, I'll be infront of the bookstore at 8, don't be late

Yukina: I should be telling you that..

After packing my stuff, I went to the bookstore but I saw Yukina with someone, a girl.

When he came out of the store with the girl, he didn't recognized me, not at all.

I want to call him but he was talking to that girl, they're smiling and talking then I saw the girl hold his hand.

He didn't let go, he just let her hold his hand.

H-how could he??

I went to our apartment, packing my belongings and leaving a note for Yukina.

I'm going back to my hometown, don't try to follow me. I don't wanna see your face anymore, don't even try to contact me. You lied to me.
~Kisa Shouta

Then, I left the apartment.

I went to the station after that, hoping that I could get the last trip out of here. I lined up at the ticket booth and got the ticket departing at 10.

I looked at my watch, it's still 9:10.

I sat at the benches near the entrance, hoping that Yukina will come and save me.

What am I even thinking? He doesn't love me anymore.

I waited there for 25 minutes but he still hasn't come, he really doesn't care for me at all.

I got and collected my stuff, I went to the platform.

9:55, 5 more minutes before I leave this place for a while.

When the train arrived, I heard someone calling my name. I turned back and I saw him call my name.

"Kisa! Stop right there"

I didn't moved a muscle but I want to go, I want to leave this place.

He ran towards me and gave me a hug but I pushed him away.

"I'm leaving and the train is waiting for me, be happy with your new girlfriend" I said

"W-what?" he asked, confussed on what I just said

"I don't want this relationship anymore, knowing that someday you'll find someone else and leave me for it.. You're still young and I'm already 30 years old"

He hugged me tightly, not wanting to let go but I did.

"I need to go..."

"Kisa, don't leave me.. I love you"

He started to cry, his beautiful face is now covered in tears.

I entered the train and before the doors closed, I said my final words to Yukina, "I'm sorry... Goodbye"

Then, the doors closed, I'm now leaving the man I truly love but what is love if you don't know how to sacrifice the thing that makes you happy.

But for me, the person that makes me happy, is the person that I just left, the person I love the most..

I'm sorry Yukina...

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