Shouta Kisa x Kou Yukina

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I'm Sorry (Part Two)

Kisa's POV:

It's been 8 years since I last heard from Yukina, it's been 8 tiring years.

After leaving him, I felt empty, not knowing what to do next after running away, running away from the man I love.

How is he?

Is he fine? 

I'm sure he already has a girlfriend

When I got to my hometown, I called Takano, telling him that I'll be resigning for some private reasons and that I'll pass my resignation by the end of the month.

And after that, I worked at another company 10 minutes away from my new apartment.

Worked hard and I never had a relationship with anyone again.

My life is alright but I could never forget the prince who broke my heart, the prince that broke my trust, Kou Yukina.

So I decided to visit them, to catch up at the things that happened.

I packed my stuff and called my boss, telling her that I will take a leave for 3 weeks and she agreed.

I called a taxi and told him to drop me at a train station, when I got there and bought a ticket right away.

I waited for about 10 minutes for the train to arrive and when it got there, I got inside immediately.


I'm finally here after eight long years.

I contacted immediately Ritsu to pick me up at the station, he told me to wait for him at the front gate.

I went there but I saw someone famillar, it was Takano, only Takano.

I came to him and greeted him, he looks a little older. Well, it's been eight years since I last saw him.

"Kisa how are you?" he asked me

"I'm fine just here so I can see all of you again, what happened to you and Ricchan?" I asked him

"Married" he said

I was shocked but then I remembered that they sent me an invitation but I can't go because of my schedule.

"Listen, Ricchan will be picking me up at the front gate so I was wondering if we go now and see him"

He nodded and we went at the front gate, when we arrived there we saw Ritsu leaning against the wall, probably waiting.

We walked towards him and when I saw him upfront, he also changed just like Takano.

"How are you Ricchan?" I asked him

"I'm fine" he answered

"Why is Masamune here?" he asked me

"Saw him"

He nodded and we went to his car and drived all the way to my old apartment not with Yukina.

When we arrived there, I got my things and bid farewell to them.

I got to the door in no time but when I was going to unlock it, I heard someone open the door, it was him..

"K-kisa? Is that you?" he asked me

I didn't answer nor didn't look at his face when he asked me that question, his face hasn't changed a little bit. It was still the face that I fell inlove with.

"Excuse me, I need to go inside" I said without making any sorts of contact with him

I settled my luggage beside the door and then all of the sudden, he hugged me.

"Kisa, I'm sorry for what happened to us eight years ago but I still love you, I can't forget about you" he whispered into my ear

Tears started to escape as I hugged him tightly not wanting to let go but I have to.

I pushed him, not wanting him to hug me even more tighter but then I felt his soft lips touching mine.

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