Takano Masamune x Onodera Ritsu

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The Love Of My Life

Onodera's POV:

It's been 6 years since me and Takano reunited and became lovers again.

Six long years, our relationship became more intimate and stronger, we've experienced our ups and downs and now here we are....


It was just a regular office day, getting stressed by the authors who keeps missing their deadlines every single time and that's what I've been the reason about my stress.

I've been assigned to a new manga author, Mouri Sakura and let me tell you, she's always late.

"Saka-chan, come on, the manga I was supposed to edit is now one week late!" I screamed at her on the phone

I don't even know why she keeps passing her manuscripts late and I sure wanna know about it. 

"Gomen Ricchan, I got a little sick just tell Taka-san that I promise to pass my manuscript on Thursday, okay?" she told me

Oh, Sakura is only 16, no wonder she passes it late.

"Okay, you owe me one, you know that right?" I said to her

"Thanks Ricchan, tell Taka-san that I'm really sorry and that I'm so sick" then she hunged up

"Onodera, what did Ms. Mouri say? Will she pass her manuscript now?" he asked me

Oh great, the mighty Masamune Takano is already asking, lucky me..

"She's sick, she told me that she'll pass it on Thursday"

"Why does she pass it so late?" he asked

"You do remember that she's only 16 so maybe schoolwork or boys, can't tell" I said

"Why can't she pass today?"

"She's sick" I told him and went back to work, whatever work needs to be done

I've been wondering how I even survived this job for six long years.

My original plan before all of this was to move from manga to literature and yet, I can't.

I've been working for six long years and I never got sick of it, I just wonder why....

Is it because that I already love this job or that I won't see Takano any longer?

I shaked my head, trying to focus on work but my eyes look and crave for Masamune.

I realized that I was already staring at him, thank goodness it's only me and him at the office.

Wait, it's only ME and HIM?!

What time is it? I looked at my watch and it's already 9 in the evening.

I got up from my chair and packed my things, wanting to go home and not think about him.

"Oi Ritsu, where are you going?" he asked me when he noticed that I was already packing my things

"Home, what else?"

Then he came closer to me and suddenly kissed me.

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