Yoshiyuki Hatori x Yoshino Chiaki

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Hatori's POV

"What are you saying that you're quitting manga?!" I screamed at Chiaki

The sky was pouring tears, the night cold as ever even though I was in Chiaki's apartment and it got colder when I heard the news that Yoshino Chiaki, the mangaka that I've been handling for 5 years, the man I love, is quitting the job he loves the most.

"I'm quitting manga just because." he said

"Because what? You know that the company won't let one of their top mangakas go, right?" I said

"I know that, but I've made up my mind and decided to retire!"

He got up from the couch and went to his room. I just couldn't believe that he's already retiring but I don't know the reason why, he couldn't tell me why.

After a few minutes, I got up and went to his room. When I entered my room, I was shocked that he was packing his bags.

"Oi, Chiaki!"

He jumped out of pure shock, he turned around and his face went red.

"Baka Hatori! You know that I get scared easily." he said

"Why are you packing your things?" I asked

"I want to go on a trip and you should also pack your things." he said to me

"Why? You know that I'm busy with my work." I said

"You don't have to worry about it!" he said


"I asked Isaka for the whole month for your vacation leave!" he said happily

My eyes widenen when I heard the words he just said, I didn't even knew anything. That's why Takano and the others were looking at me so annoyingly because of the work that will pile fast.

"Oh well, what makes you happy" I said and went closer to him to give him a peck on the cheek.

"I should get going so that I can pack some of my stuff."

"Oh, don't bother packing!"


"Because, I may had already packed some of your clothes a few weeks ago."

"So you went in my apartment without my permission?" I asked

"You gave me a key!"

"It was only for emergency purposes!"

"Your clothes are emergency purposes" he said

I massaged the bridge of my nose because of the stress that has been building up. Chiaki retiring, me not working for a whole month, and the whole apartment thing.

I sat on the bed and looked at Chiaki, he looked so motherly. My mind traced his features, he was so perfect and I couldn't even think of a reason why he picked me over Yuu.

"If you're done staring, we should go already." he said

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him with the word confusion on my face.

"What do you mean go? Go where?" I asked


"Its rainy and cold outside and where will we go, its 10 in the evening" I said

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that" he said then sat beside me and rested his head on my lap.

I smiled and played with his hair.

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