Chapter 2

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Later on Seth arrives home and tells Paige about what happen at work, and Paige freaks out begging Seth to text Finn and set it up please as Seth rolls his eyes and texts Finn and sets everything up for tomorrow afternoon, then Seth goes to bed making a mental note to call dean in the morning to see if he is free for the for the afternoon. Seth didn't know that Dean is back at his house looking over Seth's file that he made his friend R-truth put together, of Seth's daily schedule Dean wants to know everything about Seth, its kind of on the creepy side but then again Dean just wants to make sure Seth is the right one to pursue.

Next morning Seth calls Dean to ask "him if he he is free this afternoon by chance?Because his friend Finn the photographer is going to do the photoshoot for him" and Seth added he was hoping to do it at Dean's CrossFit gym if it's possible" as Dean laughs and "let's Seth know he is free all day and the gym is fine and what time was he thinking of meeting ? As Seth thinks for a minute and says "Paige is at class right now and Finn is working on some stuff so how about 2:00pm? As Dean says "that's fine with me I'll see you three then bye Seth" as Seth laughs through the phone "bye Dean" as they hang up and Dean goes to his play room aka the red room (it's his sex room) he needs to release before he sees Seth again.

Seth stays around his apartment until Paige returns from class, he doesn't get fulling dressed until she gets home, so he lays around on the couch half dressed 😉, when he gets dressed he wants to look nice because he is seeing Dean again and he finds him very handsome. Paige and Seth meet up with Finn before heading towards Dean's crossfit gym alittle before 2:00 they wanted to get there early to setup and make sure the lighting was right, When they get there one of Dean workers her name is Aj Lee helps them out and says "Dean said they where coming and to help anyway possible and he would be there shortly" as Seth nods his head "thanking her" as they finish setting up and wait on Dean to arrive. A few minutes later he does and Dean smiles "hey Seth, you must be Paige and Finn"  as he looks at them and shakes their hands Paige nods her head "yes Mr. Ambrose thank you for doing this" as Dean smiles and Finn says "Mr. Ambrose we need you to stand over here and we can get started then" as Dean nods his head and walks over to where Finn wanted him, he doesn't like Finn he feels like Finn likes Seth but sorry Finn but Seth is going to be his if Dean has anything to do with it. 

The photoshoot goes well Seth is standing by Paige the whole time and Paige mumbles to him "you totally have the hottest for him Sethie" as Seth looks at her "shh Paige I do not I just meet him a few days ago" as Paige giggles and both Finn and Dean look at them, Finn finishes the photoshoot and lets Paige know the pictures will be ready In a few days, as Seth starts to help Finn pack up Dean comes up behind him "Seth are you busy right now? Do you want to go get coffee with me across the street by any chance" as Seth looks at Paige and she nods her head and Seth says "sure I'll go with you for coffee" as they walk out of the gym and own their way out  Dean "questions Seth about Finn and his relationship" and Seth laughs "Finn is just my friend, i guess I think of him like family why do you ask? As Dean doesn't answer until they get to the coffee shop and sit down. 

They are sitting across from each other and Dean is looking at Seth "You asked why i wanted to know about your relationship status especially with Finn, true be told I don't like him something about him rubs me wrong, and I like you I can't explain it but I do I know it sounds crazy but Seth  there is more to me I'm not what you think I am I'm no good for you, so I'm leaving it in your count" as Seth looks at him "you tell me you like me then you flip it saying your no good, what the hell" as Seth gets up and walks out of the shop going back to Paige and Finn, not understanding what just happen with Dean, he really likes him too but Dean just confused him more, him Paige and Finn head home, as for Dean he goes back to the gym for a workout in his personal center, he needs to clear his head. 

(Next part will get more into Dean bring Seth into his life (hint the dom/sub part ) 

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