Chapter 10

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Dean smirks at Seth "hey babyboy you going to come in or just stand there and look at me in a towel" as Seth nods his head as he walks in and closes the door behind them, Seth can't help up look Dean up and down his chest dipping wet from his previous shower as he swallows hard and Dean sees it and moves towards him "babyboy do you like The View? As he smirks at Seth and Seth's face turns red as he shakes his head "you know I do Deano" as Dean wraps his arms around Seth and kisses him "wasn't today your last final? Are you here for some playtime with me and to send me off well deserved for my trip in the morning" as Seth smiles at him.

Dean goes back to kisses him working from his lips to his neck, Seth moans out as Dean kisses his neck and grabs his ass. Dean picks Seth up and carry's him towards the playroom the whole time his towel not falling from around his waist,😋 when they reach the playroom Dean uses the voice command again to let them in and as soon as they walk in his towel drops to the ground with a little help from Seth sliding his hand down and pulling at it just a bit, Dean laughs and takes Seth to the bed and starts to undress him so he isn't the only one naked 😉 Seth moans at Dean touches he is more sensitive as Dean smirks because he can sees Seth Shake when he touches him.

Seth can't help want more from Deano he absolutely loves everything about Dean already, he can't believe Dean picked him and he is all Dean's it's like a dream Still. Dean starts to kiss up and down Seth's body, he absolutely loves Seth's body he thinks it's perfect and he is so happy that it's only his now, and tonight he is going to show Seth a new level in their world aka (Dom/Sub). Dean moves up Seth's body and kisses him as he picks him up and and slides himself in Seth and bites down on Seth's neck, Seth moans out he loves Dean being inside him as Dean keeps bouncing Seth on his dick taking Seth for a ride this time holding him up by his hips and making sure that Seth feels every inch of him, as he leaves marks on his neck as Seth's moan's turn into screams and he grabs ahold of Dean and starts to dig into Dean's skin not caring if he leaves marks it feels so good he loves this feeling, he loves being under Dean's control and in this position it's like a drug and he knows Dean is can't get enough of it too. As Seth Reaches for Dean and Dean bends down and says "what does my babyboy want? As Seth smiles at him and says "sir I'm getting close but I want you to keep going I want to cum more then one time please" as Dean smirks and nods his head as he slides out and makes Seth lay on his belly and then slide back in him from behind in One Sweep move.

Seth screams out it's a new feeling having Dean take him from behind but he likes it as Dean grabs Seth by the hair and starts to pound him hard, it's like Dean could lose control at anytime but he doesn't he loves the feeling of Seth on his dick and he doesn't want it to end because he fucks it up because he can't control himself, Seth cums on Dean's dick the first time and Dean continue to thrust into Seth  making Seth scream out Dean's it's like a song to his ears Dean can't help it as he and he grabs ahold of Seth's hips and starts to pull Seth hard into him and they both cum together and Seth falls to the bed and Dean on top of him.

Dean catches his breathe and slides out of Seth and rolls off him and smiles "I say I'm good to go on my trip now, but I'm going to miss up that's for sure" as Seth smiles and leans over and kisses him "it's only the weekend and then your back" as Dean pulls Seth and picks him up and carry's him out of the playroom and towards his room so they can go to bed, when they get there Dean lays Seth down and then crawls in behind him and they cuddle close together and start to fall asleep. Dean know tomorrow morning he has to act act like he is going away for the weekend with the boys and if he talks to Seth act like he isn't here but telling Seth the truth right now could cause him to leave. They sleep through the night so close together nobody could tell them apart.

The next morning Dean is awake and let's Seth sleep in why he texts Roman with the plan for the weekend, as Seth wakes and smiles at Dean "good morning Dean as Dean smiles "good morning Seth as Seth moves and says "promise me you will have fun this weekend and don't worry about nothing else alright" as Dean nods his head he hates lying to him because Seth is special, as Seth gets up and goes to get ready to go so Dean can get ready himself to go as Dean starts to get ready to go and before Seth leaves he kisses Dean goodbye and then leaves to head home.

Dean sits and when Seth calls he tells him is having fun, it's beautiful out here and when the weekend ends everything goes back to normal, Dean is coming by Seth's place after work Paige wants to have wants to celebrate with everyone close to them so Seth asked Dean to come because they are together duh. And Dean wants to finally put Finn in his place and let him know Seth is off the market and he doesn't have a chance, Paige and Seth are  at their place setup when some of their friends show up that include Finn Bayley Sasha Sheamus and Cesaro Finn let's them know Karl and Luke will be there later on, as Paige and Seth are both wait to see either Roman or Dean(lol). When Dean arrives he brought Roman with him so Paige is happy and the celebrating can start Seth stays around Dean for most of the part until Dean goes and talks to Roman and when that happens Finn walks over to them and tries to start something but Dean keeps his cool and puts him in his place finally as Seth watches on and finds it completely sexy and sees Finn's true colors and he doesn't like them so he asks him to leave.

As Finn can't believe his plan as backfired and he may have lost Seth completely as he leaves and on his way out he makes sure to call the boys and let them know not to come, as Seth and Dean walk to Seth's room to have a few minutes to theirselfs and Dean says "Sethie I'm sorry about that but he got out of line and I had to" as Seth smiles and kisses him "it's alright Deano I knew something was up with him and I completely understand why you did it" as they sit down on Seth's bed and Dean looks at Seth and says "Sethie I got to be honest with you about this past weekend, there wasn't no wedding in Vegas for my friend Jeff Hardy i lied when you asked if Truth had ever worked for me he has in the past and recently, I should have told you the truth when you asked I didn't want to lose you and I know lying to you is Unforgivable and after this I've probably lost you anyway but I had to come clean" as Seth looks at him completely shocked and can't believe what Dean just told him "Dean I don't know what to say but I'm going to need some time to think about things" as Dean nods his head and gets up and walks to the door but stops "Seth take all the time you need to, I'll wait for you" as Seth smiles slowly and Dean leaves.

On his way out he tells Roman to text him when he is ready to go and he will come get him and also tells Paige the party was nice and thanks her for the invite as he leaves and heads home, Seth walks out after he leaves and Paige sees something is wrong and goes and asks what is up and why did Dean leave as Seth explains what happen between them as Paige hugs him and let's him know it will be alright.

Weeks pass and Seth, Paige and all their friends find out they all are going to graduate next month Seth has sees Dean since their break up but Dean will be at graduation because he is one of the guest of honor, Dean has been keeping busy at work and he hasn't went in his playroom since cleaning it up that weekend after their last time, he is going out of his mind with out Seth but he knows eventually it will work out Seth and him are made for each other, Seth is his just like he is Seth's. He knows next month at their college graduation him and Seth will have to see each other again maybe they can talk about what happen finally.

Next part their graduation happens finally and Seth and Dean see each other after what happen... There is only a few more episodes left but there will be a sequel to it

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