Chapter 7

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Next morning Dean wake up with his arms around Seth and he loves the feeling he can't believe last night he took Seth's virgin and also showed Seth his Dom side and Seth didn't run away he is willing to give it ago and become his sub, Seth wakes up and smiles at him as Dean bends down over and kisses Seth "good morning Sethie" Dean says as he moves his hand to cup Seth's hips under the covers, Seth smiles "Dean don't you have work today? As he shakes his head no "it's my day off I let AJ run it one day a week to let her get the experience, she is my assistant but she wants to have more responsibilities so this gives it to her" as Seth nods his head "the next week I will not be able to see or talk to you much it's finals and I need to concentrate on passing so I can graduate next month I hope you understand" as Dean smiles and leans over and kisses him on the lips "Sethie I understand totally and it's fine but you will make it up to me next week" as Seth smiles and kisses him back "yep I'll make it up to you Deano I promise" as Dean laughs "but you aren't leaving just yet, I get you for a few more hours Sethie" as Seth laughs and says "I'm not going no where Deano" as they both get up and go downstairs to the kitchen so they can make breakfast.

When they get into the kitchen Dean starts to make breakfast for them, Seth is shocked that Dean can cook it's another amazing thing Dean can do, now Seth is wondering what else he can do and can't wait to find out over time, Dean and Seth eat breakfast together and spend a few hours laying on the couch tangled up watching TV but it has got to be that time again Dean has to take Seth home, Dean looks at him "your car is going to be taking care sometimes this week I called a friend and they went and picked it up from the theater, I know you said you had it covered but I'm doing it for you Sethie" as Seth smiles "thank you Deano I was going to have to meet with my brother in law today at the theater to get it but now I don't since you got it covered, I really appreciate you doing it you my white kinky Ambrose" (lol 😉) as Dean nods his head and kisses Seth "your welcome your my newbie kinky Rollins" (lol 😉).

As Dean and Seth get ready so Dean can take Seth home Dean doesn't want to he likes Seth being there, but he knows they need time apart because Dean has never been this attached to one of his sub's before and it's scary to think if he doesn't get his emotions in check he may do something to scare off Seth or worse hurt him, and Dean doesn't want to hurt Seth he wants to make Seth feel pleasure not pain. So Dean takes Seth home and when they arrive at Seth and Paige's apartment Seth learns over and kisses Dean before getting out of the car and thanks him for everything "I'll talk to you soon I promise Deano" as Dean nods his head and smiles "you focus on your finals babyboy I'll see and talk to you when everywhere we can" as Seth smiles and gets out of the car and heads up to his apartment as Dean heads back home.

He needs to clean up the playroom after what happen between him and Seth last night it got a little Messy (lol), plus he needs it clean for the next time Sethie aka his sub comes back over so they can go for another pleasure session (😉), Seth gets to his apartment and Paige is in the living-room watching TV she has been waiting for him so she can ask him questions about what happen at work and how it is staying at Dean's house, Seth gives her the details on what happen at work and everything that happen at Dean's kind of he left out the playroom stuff he doesn't want Paige to think any different of him or Dean plus what happens in the bedroom is their business nobody else.

Paige can't believe Seth lost his virginity to Mr. Ambrose but she is happy he give it him of all people because Seth seem to care for Dean and Dean for Seth, and Paige sees something different in Seth something she likes since Dean has been around he is happier plus he has came into his skin more it's nice to have the real Seth around again, she will make a mental note to thank Dean the next time she sees him for making him happy, Seth and Paige spend a few hours catching up then Seth heads to his room to start study. He calls Dean  before he gets to into it "Dean I wanted to let call you before I started studying? As Dean smiles at the phone "oh Seth that's sweet of you but don't over do it tonight you have plenty of time to study" as Seth laughs and says "I promise I'll got a study guide and I'll talk to you soon Deano" as Dean laughs and says "bye Sethie" they both hang up.

Seth goes back to studying and meanwhile Dean is getting ready to meet up with his brother Roman to go have some drinks, Dean and Roman have always been close they are brothers but they are also best friends, and for their sister Sarah they are very protective of her she is their baby sister after all so Dean and Roman have all right to feel that way towards her(lol), Sarah likes to push their buttons through and she knows how to work them the right way, so it may work in her favor if you ask her but they have caught on just a bit, but they have her back no matter what that's what family's do right.

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