Chapter 9

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Next morning Seth wakes up on the couch and makes a mental note ' to not fall asleep on the couch again ' as he gets up and jumps in the shower before classes, as for Dean he has been at the gym working for a few hours already today he has a meeting with Shane McMahon about some new students coming into the school next quarter, Dean is in his office waiting on Shane to arrive so they can have their meeting and then he can meet up with Truth to see if he has any information on Finn or his friends aka Karl and Luke?

Shane arrives and they have their meeting the whole time Seth is in his early classes, he was planning on going by Dean's work after his classes today because something keeps nagging him and he can't get past it, Dean is in his office with Truth talking to him about the Finn situation and Truth "let's Dean know what he find out about Finn and his friends aka Karl and Luke" Truth has some interesting information on them boys and it sparks Dean's interest on why Finn is so interested in Seth it makes Dean's Blood start to boil he knew the minute he laid his eyes on Finn something didn't seem right, Finn is obsessed with Seth and it stops now because Seth is Dean's boy now and Dean will do anything to protect him and make sure everyone knows he is off the market.

Dean thanks Truth for his findings and Truth leaves and bumps into Seth on his way out, AJ Lee was walking him back to Dean's office to let Dean know Seth was there to see him and give Dean some paperwork on the new schedule for the school, Seth asks AJ who he was and AJ smiles and tells him that Truth is one of Dean's oldest friends they have knew each other for ages, as Seth nods his head and she knocks on Dean's door and he says "yes AJ what can I do for you? As she smiles and opens the door and steps in "well I got this papers for you to look over it's the scheduled for the school and you have a guest in the form of your boyfriend" as she hands him the paperwork and Seth steps in and she walks out and closes the door behind her, Dean smirks "babyboy are you alright? As Seth nods his head "Deano I been having a bad feeling and I can't shake" as Dean gets up and walks over to him and says "your worried about your finals that's all but you don't need to worry you are so smart you will be fine just relax a bit"  as he kisses him.

Seth kisses him back and starts to relax because he is with Dean as Dean smirks when they pull away "do you feel better now? As Seth smiles at him, "Deano how do you know R-Truth? As Dean looks at him "Truth is a friend from my childhood why? As Seth shakes his head "Dean he is a personal investigator and I know this because he works right off campus, Truth Investigating please tell me he wasn't investigating for you? As Dean can't believe he is going to lie to Seth but he can't tell him Truth has been working for him and had got information on Seth for Dean and plus Finn and his friends aka Karl and Luke so Dean tells Seth "no babyboy he is my friend, he was in the neighborhood and stop by to see if we where still going to Vegas to our friend Jeff Hardy Wedding next weekend, and I told him yes me him Roman and Sami where good to go and he was happy that's all then he left" as Seth looks at him and "says Vegas and wedding with you and your boys that sounds crazy" as Dean nods his head and smiles " Jeff Hardy is one of my boys too, him and me meet in highschool so I got to be there on his big day plus I got you to come back to I'll behavior" as Seth smiles.

Dean can't believe he just lied to Seth the man he has strong feels for but if Seth found out about Dean's file's it could be ugly so for now it has to be like this, Dean smiles at him and says "you want to stay a bit longer and I'll order us some food you can study while I do some work? As Seth shakes his head then "says yes I like that idea" Seth walks over to Dean's couch and sits down and gets his books out as Dean goes back to his desk you checks the new schedule for the school that AJ give him then goes on to some personal things he had put on hold early because of his meeting with Shane now he can finish it. Seth looks up from his books and says "Deano you look mad what are you working on? As Dean stops "Seth it's personal and it's getting complicated somebody I know wants help and I don't know if I can help this person because they have a tendency to screw people over that help them, I don't know what to do I'm going out of my mind trying to figure it out" as Seth smiles "Dean close your eyes and take a deep breath in & out & relax" as Dean nods his head and does it as he feels a weight lifting off his shoulders and he says "your amazing thank you" as Seth just smiles he is happy to help Dean with something just like Dean helped him earlier.

Dean asks Seth what he wants to eat so he can order it, Seth smiles and says "can we order tacos? As Dean nods his head and calls in their order as Seth goes back to studying, after putting in their order Dean sits back in his chair and watches Seth real close, he really cares for him as Seth knows Dean is watching him but he keeps working he only has a few more pages to go for tomorrow's finals plus he wants to get done before the food arrives, he finishes it as the food arrives as he puts his books back in his bag as Dean pays and gets their food and sits next to him on the couch.

They start to eat as Dean thinks Seth is adorable when he eats, Dean says "how many did you take today babyboy? As Seth smiles as he finishes taking a bite of his taco and says "today I had two but Paige had three, tomorrow we both have two and Wednesday the group has four then Thursday Paige has none she is done I have one and the rest of the group has two and then we are done, then it's the waiting game to see if we passed two to three weeks" as Dean shakes his head "you all will do fine, your all smart or you wouldn't be here" as Seth smiles and leans over and kisses him as Dean kisses Seth back then they pull apart and finish eating, a while passes and Dean walks Seth to his car so Seth can head home when they get there Dean opens Seth's door for him being a real gentleman as he kisses Seth's lips before Seth gets in "be careful I'll talk to you soon" as Seth smiles at him "I will you have fun this weekend with your friends and your brother at the wedding" as Dean nods his head "I'll try I'll miss you through but knowing you will be here when I get back makes it better" as Seth smiles before drives off and Dean goes back inside to finish up and head home himself.

Seth gets home to find Paige a sleep on the couch and he doesn't want her waking up in pain so he gets carry's her to her room and puts her in her bed before going to his, Dean finishes up at work and heads home when he gets there he finds something unexpected on his steps his a package and it's got Balor Club on it as he picks it up and makes sure his safe, he has had to do this before so he knows the steps he carry's it in and to the kitchen as he grabs his tools and opens it easy, Finn is messing with someone he really doesn't want to, has he opens it he finds something that makes his skin crawl it's personal pictures of Seth and now Finn crossed the line and he is getting Dean's best.

The next few days go by good for Seth, Paige and rest of the friends    with finals, Seth is on his way to visit Dean before he leaves for the wedding tomorrow as Dean is at home getting things set-up when Seth arrives and gets a shock when Dean answers the door in a towel.

Bow Chicka Wow Wow it's about to get naughty again Between the Dom and his Sub.... Next part will get into Dean finally putting Finn in his place and Seth and his friends graduate....yay they did it

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