Chapter 3

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After tomorrow's classes Paige wants to go out and have fun with some friends it's been awhile since they have went out, seth is in his design class but he can't get his mind off Dean and what happen yesterday, he can't think about dean no more he has to concentrate on his classes. He really needs this night out that Paige has planned through, he needs to clear his head of everything and just have fun with their friends. He gets done with his last class and heads home to get ready for tonight, Paige was already home when he got there and they both got ready then a few hours pass and they meet up with their friends at the night club for some fun, but Seth didn't know that Dean was also there with his brother Roman and his best friend Sami Callihan so tonight was definitely going to turn out fun if they ran into each other lol, Seth, Paige are having a good time with their friends that includes Finn, Cesaro, Bayley and Sasha and Sheamus.

Dean roman and Sami are at the bar getting their drunks when Dean turns around because he could swear he heard Paige scream in Delight aka having fun his eyes find Seth in the crowd of people and he seems to be having fun with a lot of people, but one person caughts Dean's attention because he is really close to Seth and that's Finn and that makes Dean's blood pressure get worked up lol, he looks at Roman and says "I'll be right back brother" as he walks over there he is going to take care of Finn right now and hopefully not scary off Seth in the process. Paige sees Dean and says "OMG Mr. Ambrose what a surprise do you want to join us? As Dean nods his head and looks at Finn giving him a move look as Finn gets scared and moves away from Seth as Dean stands by Seth and smiles "I can only stay a few minutes I'm with my brother and friend they are at the bar, I saw you all and through I would come say hello" as Seth smiles at him and can't help but find him sexy as Dean looks Seth up and down and licks his lips, and mumbles "you look good tonight Seth" as Seth smiles at him "thank you Dean "you look handsome yourself" as a few minutes pass and Roman and Sami come up and Roman says "bro who are those people? As Dean laughs "Roman this is Seth, Paige and when he says Finn you know he says it with hate, and their other friends Bayley Sasha, Sheamus and Cesaro" as Roman and Sami smile "oh Seth it is nice to meet you and the rest of you too" as they laugh" Dean gives them a look like oh great and thanks you two.

Paige laughs as Roman looks at her and asks her to dance as they go on the dance floor, Dean turns back to Seth "Seth about yesterday I hope you can forgive me, I know I confused you but maybe I can show you what i meant when I said I'm not what you think I am if you are willing to let me" as Seth nods his head he wants to understand and try and prove Dean wrong " yes I'm willing what do we have to do? As Dean laughs "oh Seth tomorrow night I'll pick you up for a date around 6 so be ready" as Seth smiles at him, the way Dean laughed was kind of creepy but Seth didn't pay not mind. When Roman and Paige return from the dance floor Dean and Sami grab ahold of Roman and they leave but before they do Roman gets Paige's number and Dean smiles at Seth.

After a few more hours of having fun Seth and Paige head home Paige can't believe she meet a handsome man in Roman and Seth can't believe he has a date with Dean tomorrow night live is going great, Dean dropped both Sami and Roman off now he is home walking towards the red room he wants to clean up in case he brings Seth in the next few days and he is keeping faith that it happens, the next morning Seth wakes up alittle later then usual he drink alittle more then usual so he slept in just a bit longer, his phone has a few messages from Finn and Dean through he reads them two messages from Finn "Seth I don't know whats going on with you and Mr. Ambrose" "but I don't like him he freaks me out" as Seth shakes his head and goes to Dean's messages "good morning Seth I hope you are feeling alright" "I'll pick you up at 6 I'll need your address sometime today" as Seth laughs and sends Dean his address not knowing Dean already know his address. Dean gets the text from Seth while he is at the gym he went in  for a few hours, he wanted to get a workout in before his date with Seth, Dean is really excited about tonight he worked out really hard before heading home to get ready for the date. Seth has been getting nervous about the date all day long but at the same time he is looking forward to it because he really likes Dean and wants to get to know him better, Seth and Dean both got ready and Dean comes by and picks Seth up at 6 for their date Dean smiles at Seth "omg you look good" as Seth smiles at Dean "thank you, you look good too" as Dean walks over to Seth and grabs his hand and says "you ready to go? As Seth shakes his head letting Dean know yes. 

Dean smirks and they leave for dinner they make it to Dean's car and Seth loves it, Dean says "I hope you like Mexican" as Seth nods his head "omg yes I love it, Dean last night the look you give Finn he doesn't like you now but you don't like him so I guess you don't care to much, but he is my friend and I like you so please try and be nice" as Dean laughs "Seth you are asking a lot of me, I know he wants you but I also want you too so I'll play nice as long as he does" as Seth looks at Dean and smile "thank you" as Seth moves closer to Dean in the car. Dean looks at him and smiles as they arrive at the restaurant and Dean turns to look at Seth "I'm happy you give me this chance" as Seth holds Dean Hand and they get out and go into the restaurant.

They sit down and order their food, they talk learning things about each other a while later their food arrives and they eat. A couple hours later they get done they leave the restaurant and Dean is taking him back to his house, Seth wanted to see and Dean is willing to please. They arrive at Dean's house and Seth is amazed "omg Dean it's beautiful" as Dean smiles "thanks it's home" Dean shows him around then he gets to the door that goes to the red room "Seth behind this door is the reason why I'm not what you think i am " Seth looks at him "what is in there? Dean says "it's my play room Seth, I want to take you inside and show you this side of me"as Seth nods his head and Dean grabs Seth hand and they walk in, Seth doesn't understand playroom yet but he is about to see a side of Dean that is going to shock him. 

When they walk in hand and hand Dean turn on the lights and Seth looks around to see something he hasn't before, Dean says "Seth I'm a Dom I like being in control I like my partners to submit it turns me, I told you I wasn't what you thought I was I got my demons" as Seth walks over to him and stands there "Dean it's a shock but I like you a lot, and I'm willing to give it ago but you need to understand nothing is going to happen right away I'm not easy" as Dean nods his head "I can handle that Seth, if you are willing to give my lifestyle a chance I'm willing to wait for you" as Dean pulls Seth into a hug. 

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