Chapter 4

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A few hours later Dean and Seth are watching tv in Dean's living-room, Dean doesn't want to take Seth home but he knows it's going to happen really soon, Seth is laying on Dean's chest and Dean loves that feeling. Dean says "I'm going soft here Seth I don't want this to stop, your making me feeling things I have never felt before" as Seth giggles "isn't that a good thing Dean, you know then it's real between us" as Dean looks at him and nods "I never thought I'll find someone like you but I'm happy I did finally and it turn out to be you, your amazing and you haven't run yet because of my dark side" as Seth smiles "it takes a lot to run me off Dean, especially when I like someone and you are on the top of the list" as he laughs. Seth sits up just a bit as Dean looks into his eyes and smiles at him Seth leans over and kisses Dean on the lips catching Dean off guard but Dean likes it its very spontaneous and Dean can't wait to see more of this side of Seth.

Dean smiles "I need to get you home it's late" Seth nods his head and gets up "I had a good time tonight thank you for being so open with me" as Dean gets up too and smiles "it wasn't so hard, I actually thought it would be harder then it was but you made it easier" as Seth grabs Dean's hand and they head out so Dean can take Seth home when dean gets Seth home he turns and looks at Seth "you will be getting something in the mail In a few days, please read it carefully and bring it to the house next time you come over alright? As Seth nods his head and Dean kisses Seth "I'll talk to you in a few days, have a good week at school" as Seth smiles "I'll try my best, you have a good week at work" as Dean leaves and heads home Seth walks in his apartment to find Paige in a very sticky situation with Dean's brother Roman. Paige giggles Seth "omg you remember Roman Mr. Ambrose brother but you know him as Dean" as Seth nods his head "yep hi it's nice to see you again Roman now I'm going to bed you two have the rest of your fun" as he walks towards his room and when he gets there he calls Dean "letting him know what just happen", dean laughs and says "that sounds like Roman and sorry you had to see his junk but heads up my is better lol" as Seth rolls his eyes and says "I think my is better but that's just my opinion" as Dean says "oh damn we will just have to see who has the better junk when the time is right huh? As Seth agrees and they talk for a few more minutes then hang up, Dean gets back home and Seth turns in for the night.

Dean can't believe that Seth is willing to give his world a chance soon but Dean knows that Seth is going to be a challenge because Seth seem very untamed but Dean is willing to be his first and tamed him in more ways then one lol. While at school the next morning Seth is curious about Dean's lifestyle aka Dom/Sub, so he looks it up on his phone to get a little information on it and what he finds is a little shocking but he can handle it because Dean is worth it, Dean is at work and Seth's profile updates so he clicks on it and he needs to remember to thank R-Truth on his amazing work, because Dean just saw Seth checking out info on his phone about Dom/Sub Lifestyle so Dean smirks because Seth finally wanted to know and looked some info about it. Dean sends Seth a text "Sethie i was checking in to see how your day was going? I hope yours is isn't as boring as my" as Seth is walking to his next class with Bayley and Sasha when his phone goes off and he sees it's from Dean so he reads it and texts back "Deano my day is going alright, I'm heading to another class with my friends Bayley and Sasha you meet them the other night at the club and why is yours so boring if I can ask?" Dean comes back and texts" I had this lame ass meeting with the suits lol one is a real suck up he married one of the bosses daughter his name is Hunter Helmsley he married Stephanie McMahon her dad is Vincent McMahon, the McMahons are one of our best sponsors for the wrestling school" as Seth smiles at the text and texts back "it's over now right I got 2 more classes left then my job at the theater, so I'll text you later" as Dean reads it and texts back a smiley face letting Seth get to class and himself finish his work.

Later that day Seth stops by his apartment to change before heading to work, Paige let's him know a package come early for him and she put it in his room on his bed he nods his head knowing his from Dean so he goes to get ready for work and get the package aka some papers, he will text Dean later that he got them and he will read over them before his next visit to the house. He puts them in his bag and heads out telling Paige later, Dean is at his parents place having dinner with his family besides Roman he has a sister name Sarah and their parents Sika and Patricia. Roman is pushing Dean to tell their parents about Seth and Dean says "I will tell them about him when you tell them about your nasty business with Paige" as Dean laughs and sits down on the couch as Seth texts him"about the papers arriving and he will go over them and bring them over to the house next time he comes over like they agreed on"  as Dean reads over it and smirks and sends him back a smiley face.

A few hours pass and Dean leaving his parents house and heads home himself, on his way home Seth calls him upset something happen at work and now he is shaken up and was hoping Dean could come get him and Dean is more then willing to come to the rescue. 

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