Chapter 1

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Seth Rollins is a college senior and He is helping his sick roommate to interview prominent businessman Dean Ambrose for their campus paper, little does he realize the path his life will take. Dean, as enigmatic as he is rich and powerful, finds himself strangely drawn to Seth, and Seth to Dean. Through sexually inexperienced, Seth plunges headlong into an affair-- and learns that Dean's true sexual proclivities push the boundaries of pain and pleasure.

Seth Rollins is a 21- year old college senior attending university of Iowa in Iowa City, IA. His roommate and best friend Paige, who writes for the college newspaper due to an illness Paige can't interview 27- year old Dean Ambrose CrossFit and wrestling school owner in Buffalo so Seth goes in Paige place. Seth makes it to Ambrose CrossFit & wrestling school and meets Dean Ambrose, Dean can't help but find Seth attractive, Seth somehow makes it through the meeting with Dean who is this year's UIowa commencement speaker. 

Seth walks into Dean's office and sits down waiting on him to arrive one of his workers said he would be there shortly, Seth took his name and it was Sami Zayn, Seth is writing everything down for Paige like she asked. A few minutes late Mr. Ambrose comes in and "introduces himself to Seth and says he is sorry Paige is sick, he hears good things about her" Seth is shocked that he knows so much about him and Paige, Seth then starts the interview "so Mr. Ambrose how does it feel to be so young and accomplished so much already? Is just one of the question Seth asks Dean, and Dean isn't shy about his life experiences in the business or personal lol, "Seth it's been a tough and hard road for me, but I wouldn't change anything my businesses are growing in size everyday and I couldn't be happier with my workers, they are the best out there I think so to answer your question, I may be young to have accomplished all this already but I'm wise for my age and I don't mind passing on my wisdom to others" as Seth nods his head and writes it down for Paige, there is a few more questions then like the last one which is more personal and Seth really doesnt want to ask him but Paige underline it so Seth does it last question Mr. Ambrose as Dean nods his head and Seth takes a deep breath "being in the spotlight how do you find time to date? As Dean looks at him and smiles "my personal life is complicated, i don't have time to date or I just haven't find the right person I really don't know" (true be told Dean was a Dominant and he was looking for his submissive) As he wink at Seth, he couldn't help but find Seth attractive and wanted to get to know more about him as he walks Seth out of his office and to the front of the building "I hope i answered all of Paige's questions and if there is anything else just call me Seth" as he gives Seth his number and Seth smiles at him and thanks him as he leaves, 

Seth returns home and gives Paige the notes and she smiles "omg thank you so much Sethie I own you" as Seth laughs and heads into his room as Paige works on the paper. The next morning Seth goes to class and sees his friend and the guy that has a crush on him Finn Balor, Finn is the photographer in the group, Paige picks on Seth and says "that Finn has took photos of Seth without his knowledge" as Finn remind Seth "about his open house with his photos in two weeks time and he better be there", Seth says "he will be there because that's what true friends do but he has to go to work and he will see him later" as Seth heads to his job.

Seth works at movie theater but his major is to become a tattoo artist, but he also has a minor in photography journalism, Dean shows up with some of his workers, he takes them out sometime to show them appreciation on their work, he sees Seth and acts shock but (true be told he had Seth followed after he left his office) Dean goes up to Seth "oh hi Seth I didn't know you worked here" as Seth look at him "oh my God Mr. Ambrose yeah I work here, are you here alone or with someone? As Dean laughs "i bring my workers i do this a couple times a  year it helps there work load, having a appreciation outing, did Paige get all the information she needed from me? As Seth smiles at him "omg yes she was on heaven thank you, the only thing is she was going on about a picture of you, all the once online don't do justice" Dean smiles at him "you got my number call me and we will setup a photoshoot if she needs a good picture then I'm not going to let her down, you must know someone that that takes photos right? As Seth smiles "yeah my friend Finn he is very talented I'll talk to him about it and Paige would love you if you did that for her Mr. Ambrose" as Dean smiles "Seth call me Dean now and it would be my pleasure just call me tomorrow when you get it all worked out with your friend alright" as Seth nods his head and goes back to work and Dean heads to his workers.

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