Chapter 12

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After the graduation ceremony Seth with his family, Paige with her family, Dean and Roman's family & everyone else went out for dinner together. Dean has took his eyes off Seth since they got to the restaurant, he wants everything to get better between them so they can get back together fully, so he will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Dean and Seth by themselves while everyone else are at the Buffet, Dean pulled Seth away from everyone to have a few minutes alone together, Dean is facing Seth as they stand so close together Dean wraps his arms around Seth and brings him into his chest taking Seth's scent in, as Dean asks Seth "how long is his family in town for because he would like to get his family together with Seth's before they leave" and Seth likes that idea and tells "him they are in town for a few more days" as Dean smiles at Seth and they head towards the buffet to get their food, Roman sees Dean has his smile back and he knows it's because of Seth and they are working on their relationship, even if it's one step at a time it's still going in the right direction, and he just wants his brother happy like he is with Paige.

Everyone is having a good time together and enjoying each other's company getting to know each other better too this was a good idea Dean's little sister Sarah had she is very nice for setting all this up, Dean's mom asks Seth about his future plans since he just graduation as Seth smiles and tells her about his plan to open his own business really soon and do his craft, he wants to show off what he learned from the college and let everyone know if you believe you can do something go for it and don't give up on your dreams. As his mom has already fall in love with Seth and wants Dean and him to work through their problems and get back together really soon and she will be there for her son when he needs her just like she is for all three of her children, as for Seth's parents they want the same thing they already adorable Dean and hope that him and their son get back together eventually, they see how they both act towards each other and they can tell it's love between them and they couldn't be happier for their son and Dean.

Sarah even meet someone at the graduation ceremony and they decide to meet up tomorrow at the movies, his name is Raymond Rowe knows Seth friend's Sheamus and Cesaro so both Roman and Dean feel comfortable with her going out with him, Seth said he meet him once and he was a real gentleman🙂 Dean likes that idea very much, tomorrow morning Dean wants Seth's family to come down to Ambrose CrossFit and wrestling school and check it out and then let him take them to lunch and they agree, so after they eat and talk alittle more they all head home getting ready for tomorrow.

Dean can't wait for tomorrow and showing Seth's family his business and then taking them to lunch, showing them how much he cares for their son and plus he gets time with Seth so it works out on both ends, Seth is happy everyone got along and can't wait  for tomorrow he is happy his family wants to get to know Dean  better before they leave, it warms his heart that his family likes the guy he loves and is trying to be with as soon as they work on some stuff.

Next morning Seth and his family heads down to Ambrose CrossFit and wrestling school to meet Dean, as Dean is already there he got there early because he had a meeting with his workers, so when Seth and his family arrive Aj lee brings them back to Dean's office as Dean is going over some paperwork. as Dean smiles and gets up and starts to show them around and introduces Seth's family to his workers, AJ Lee absolutely loves Seth she fell in love with him the day he came to interview Dean for Paige she knew they would get together because they had so much chemistry between them that first day and they still do, now they just have to work on a few things just like her and her husband Cm Punk when they got together back in the day they had there ups and downs just like most couples do she believes Seth and Dean will make it through just like her and punk did, they just need time.

Seth's family is impressed on Dean's accomplishments and how he is running his business so well and he is so Young, they want this for Seth in the future and they know Dean is a good influence, if they only knew what happens behind closed doors isn't so good 😉, they know Dean is good for their son. Dean gives them the full tour and then they head to lunch and it happens to be a near by restaurant that Dean takes most of his clients too, he hopes Seth's family likes the food. He knows Seth likes it because they have ate food close to it before, and Seth has came to love the food it's one of the many things Dean bring into his life that before he wouldn't have tried, Seth has become more outgoing now he tries more things that he wouldn't even think about before so Dean coming into his life has been an amazing thing.

They arrive at the restaurant and Seth's dad can't believe Seth has been eating this kind of food of late, he is happy Seth has finally opened his range to different foods Seth used to be a picky eater but now he is trying to eat new and exotic things and things he may have never tried before, they order and talk about things from their favorite sports to what they do on the weekends, when their food comes they eat and chat alittle bit more before they leave Dean has to head back to work but before he does he invited them over to his parents house in two days for dinner because he knows they leave in three days to go back to Davenport, as they agree to come to dinner, Dean hugs Seth and tells him he will call him later, as Seth smiles and kisses Dean's cheek as they leave and Dean goes back to work.

Sarah is waiting on Raymond at the movies she is a little nerves but her friends Liv and Ruby helped her get ready for it, so she looks very pretty she finds Raymond very handsome he isn't like the other guys she has dated he is more manly and she finds that incredibly sexy.

Paige and Roman are hanging out at Paige And Seth's apartment, Roman likes Paige and he wants to ask her to be his GF real soon, he just has to figure out a way to do it and do it in a romantic way.

Next part will be the last one but don't worry there will be a sequel...  The last part will get into Dean and Seth finally getting back together and how they got back together and Roman asking Paige to be his GF and how he did it.... Sarah and Raymond relationship the first stage!!!

Everyone who read this story comment and liked I really appreciate and I hope you continue with me in the sequel 🙂

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