Chapter 5

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Dean arrives at Seth's work to pick him up after the phone call he got that has Seth so upset, he finds Seth outside of the theater next to his car which looks like someone took a bat too it Dean gets out of his car and walks over to Seth "Sethie what's going on? What happen to your car, or should I say who did it? As Seth looks up and has tears in his eyes and gets up "can we just go I call someone to come get it I'll explain in the car" as Dean looks at him and nods his head as they walk to his car and get in, Dean looks at him and says "Seth come on what happen? As Seth looks down and says "those guys that hang around the theater they harass me and they took it to far tonight" Dean shakes his head "why do they harass you, is it because you are gay? As Seth nods his head and says "they are assholes and they think they are better then everyone else, I'm okay I'm just still alittle shaking up and I appreciate you coming to get me Dean. Dean grabs Seth's hand and says "it was my pleasure, I'm only a phone call away you remember that on anything alright? As Seth nods his head Dean starts drives "Seth you are going to come home with me tonight you can stay in the guest-room whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable is in the cards as long as possible, I know you already call Paige and let her know the situation but you need let her know you will not be home until tomorrow morning and you are with me so you are safe" as Seth nods "I did call her and let her know what was going on but I'll text her, so she knows I'll not be home so she can go to sleep and not wait up and thanks for being there for me Dean"

Dean laughs and says" I may have my dark side in the bedroom Seth but I'm sweet on you, and I'm not going to just leave you alone when you me" as Seth smiles and texts Paige what is happening as they pull up at Dean's house, they get out of Dean's car and walk into the house and straight into the kitchen Seth stops and says "Dean there was more to them harassing me" As Dean look at him "what do you mean more Seth? Seth mumbles while looking down at the ground "they made unappropriate  passes at me and my boss saw it and kick them off the property that's when they did the damage to my car" as Dean starts to get mad that Seth didn't tell him this earlier " damn it Seth don't keep things like that from me alright" as Seth nods his head " I'm sorry and I will not I promise from now on" as he walks over and kisses Dean on the lips, Dean kisses back and wraps his arms around Seth pulling him close then pulls back and Seth bits his bottom lip and Dean says "that's hot and I don't know how I'm going to deal with knowing you are here so close to me all night and I can't do anything not even cuddle with you" as Seth laughs at that comment "Dean Ambrose are you a secret cuddler? As Dean smirks "only for you babyboy" as Seth gives him the puppy dog eyes "that's really sweet Deano, I like this side of you and I can't wait to see the others through" as Dean nods his head and rubs Seth's back "I'm happy you like my sweet side and the other sides are wild and crazy then one is all about work, you may not see that one much" as Seth smiles. 

They walk towards the staircase Seth holding Dean's hand Seth says "Dean can you lay with me for a little bit? As Dean nods his head and they walk towards the guest room, they walk into the room and towards the bed and Dean lays down first so Seth can cuddle up next to him, Seth crawling into the bed and lays down real close to Dean "thank you Deano for all this, I feel safe with you" as Dean kisses Seth's forehead "you are welcome and I'm happy you feel so safe with me babyboy" Dean wraps his arm around Seth as Seth plays with the bottom of Dean's shirt. Dean looks at him and Seth bites his bottom lip again and Dean moves his hand a bit and says "babyboy don't start something you don't plan on finishing, because I'll finish it but if I do it's going to be finished and I want your first time to be amazing and mindblowing" as Seth nods his head and leans up and kisses Dean "I want more of you Dean please" as Dean nods his head "we get into this we only go as far as you want we stop when you want" as Seth smiles and nods his head. Dean lays Seth down on his back and starts to kiss him while moving his hands up and down his body, as Seth moans out and kisses Dean. Dean wants more but doesn't want to push so he turns it over to Seth letting him be in control and Seth starts to undress dean slowly only leaving him in his boxers then strips himself leaving himself the same, then they start making-out hot and heavy and Seth says "Dean in the papers it says we have safe words when we are in the playroom, can you go in there right now please? As Dean's eyes go wide and he picks Seth up and carry's Seth to the red room aka playroom, Dean can't believe Seth wants to go back to playroom and explorer some things already.

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