Chapter 8

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Dean meets up with Roman at the bar for some drinks Roman wants to talk about some important things aka Paige and a little bit about Seth, they sit down at a table and order some drinks as they caught up alittle bit before Roman asks about the situation with Seth and himself, Roman asks Dean "about Seth and himself so what is going on between you two exactly? As Dean smiles at the mention of Seth's name "oh you know he is my Fella, we have got close" now how is Paige? As Roman's face turns red "she is sweet I really like her brother" as Dean nods his head and drinks on his beer "I guess we find ourselves people who make us happy at the same time" as Roman smiles and drinks some of his beer.

They stay there for a bit longer talking and caught up about other things before leaving, Dean gets back home to see he has guests in the form of Finn Balor and his friends Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows, Finn wants to send Dean a warning to stay away from Seth because if they have to come back it will get ugly as Karl breaks some glasses on their way out as Dean mumbles "motherfuckers you just fuck up" he cleans up and then goes to bed. Tomorrow he will make a special trip to see Seth to send a message to Finn and his friends "he doesn't scare easy and they should be the ones scared because they just messed with someone with a lunatic side, the whole time this was going on Seth was study then turned in for the night himself. The next morning Seth is woken up by Finn, Karl and Luke coming over to study with him and Paige, so they all setup in the living-room and start study together a few hours pass and Dean comes by after stopping by the gym and the wrestling school early for work stuff and he isn't alone he brought Daniel Bryan one of his friends and colleagues and Brie Bella Daniel's wife and she is also a colleague plus Nikki Bella colleague too and Brie's sister, Seth is happy that Dean stopped by and brought his friends around him that means their relationship is real and something serious so Dean goes around the room introduces Daniel, Brie and Nikki to the rest and Seth points out Karl and Luke because Dean hasn't meet them before as Dean plays dumb as Karl and Luke do the same.

Daniel,Brie and Nikki talk to Paige while Dean pulls Seth to the side leaving Finn, Karl and Luke alone as Dean kisses Seth marking his territory from Finn as Seth smiles into the kiss and pulls back and looks at him "Deano in front of everyone really? As Dean nods his head "yep your my Fella Seth and I don't care who knows, remember what you said only do what your study guide says, plus we never did go over them papers you got in detail so next time you are over we will just keep them somewhere safe and don't lose them or let anyone else know what is on them" as Seth smiles at him and Whispers to him "yes sir I'll make sure no one else sees it and I'll put it somewhere safe" as Dean smirks at him and Whispers "good boy sir will remember that for your pleasure time in a few days" as Seth laughs and puts his head on Dean's chest then Dean rubs Seth's back for a few minutes, until Paige says it's study time again so Dean, Daniel and Brie & Nikki say their goodbyes, Paige got two more friends in Brie and Nikki and Dean made his point towards Finn and his two friends, he isn't going anywhere and he doesn't scare easy Seth walks them to the door and Dean kisses him bye for now and tells him "he will see him soon and don't study to hard" as Seth smiles and kisses him back as Dean and his friends leave and Seth goes back to Paige and his friends to study some more for a few more hours before calling it a day.

Dean drops Daniel, Brie and Nikki home before going to the store to get some special stuff just in case Finn and his friends want to make a visit tonight he will be ready and they will meet his lunatic side, as for Seth, Paige and their friends they got done study Finn, Karl and Luke plan on taking another visit to Mr. Ambrose house because he didn't get the message last night to leave Seth alone, Seth and Paige order some food and are going to watch some Netflix's. Seth not nothing what is about to go down between his boyfriend and his friends in just a few hours at his boyfriend house, Dean is home getting setup and he is thinking back to last night how did Finn and his friends know where his house was he knows Seth didn't tell nobody so Finn much have had followed Seth or something like that to know where Dean lives which just makes him more mad but they will get theirs eventually.

Dean is sitting in his living-room watching his TV monitors as he texts Truth about Finn Balor, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows to get information on, Truth texts back and let's him know he will get back with him as soon as he has something on any of them as Dean smirks as they arrive as he gets up and goes and let's them in this time but he has a baseball bat in hand but it's covered in barbed wire as he says "Finn and his Balor club friends come in, you came back because I didn't listen last night right? But you three need to listen to me because I didn't say anything to you last night I'm not like most guys and when you broke into my house last night and threatened me about Seth you pissed me off, so no I'm going to give you a warning you can't scare me off I don't scare easy there boys and if you want to get physical with me we can but you may not be walking around afterwards" as he smirks and shows them the bat as Karl and Luke back up and Finn says "alright Dean you win this one but Seth will see you are no good for him eventually" as Dean smirk and says "if he does he will still not be yours Finn he thinks of you as just a friend he said you are like family that's how close you two are, and that piss you off doesn't it? As Finn starts to lose it but leaves before he does follows by Karl and Luke leaving Dean to lock up and head to bed.

Seth falls a sleep on the couch Paige got up and went to her room only to be woken up by Roman calling her "to see if she wanted to hangout this coming weekend with him" and she said "yes she said Saturday night 6pm  works for her does it work for him? As he agrees and says "it's a date and he will pick her up and sleep dreams" as she says "sleep well to him" as they hang up and Paige goes back to sleep, Roman finally goes to sleep himself (lol).

Okay everyone next part we are getting into Dean find out about Finn's true attentions towards Seth and plus finals for Paige Seth and all their friends and maybe a little drama.

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