Chapter 11

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It's a few days before their graduation and everybody families and friends from their hometowns came in for it, it's going to be amazing day for them all who is graduating Seth and Paige are with their families, and as for Dean he has been spending time with his family especially his little sister Sarah he would normally hang out with Roman but Roman is been hanging out with Paige a lot of late so that means being around Seth and they aren't on speaking terms which sucks but Dean believes it will work out eventually, he has faith that Seth will be back with him sooner then later just has to give him his time.

Seth does miss Dean but he knows they need this time apart, he believes they are meant to be together and eventually they will get back together they just need this time to work on themselves and when the time is right they will come back to each other, Paige has been hanging out with Roman which is hard for Seth because he is Dean's brother but he wants Paige to be Happy and Roman makes her happy and Seth can't help but like Roman he is a good guy.

Tomorrow Roman's wants to invite Paige and her parents to meet his parents and siblings over dinner, Seth and his family are going to stay in and watch a movie and have Rollins family Time, so it works out for everyone involved. Seth and Paige are going out on the town tonight with some friends aka Sasha, Bayley & Sheamus and Cesaro and Paige wanted to invite Roman but Roman was hanging out with Dean today and if she asked it wouldn't be right to only ask Roman and not Dean but Seth "told her to call Roman and tell them both to come, he is alright with seeing Dean he is going to have to in a few days at the graduating anyways so what's the difference between now and then" as Paige hugs him and call Roman and invites them both to the club they will be at in a bit later, as they talk for a bit And Seth goes And gets ready and when he is getting ready he gets Text from Dean asking him ' is he sure about this, he can always just wait to see him at the graduating if it's easier for him? As Seth smiles and texts back ' no Dean it's fine I'm okay with it really I'll see you there, but he apparently Dean's caring about the situation" as Dean smiles at the text and finish getting ready and Seth does the same.

Paige walks by Seth's room and says "I'm going to gets ready then we will head to meet up with everyone else at the club since you didn't wait on me and your ass already got ready😋" as Seth laughs and walks back into the living-room and waits for her to return ready to head out, he is kind of excited to see Dean it will be the first time since the break up and he kind of miss him, Dean is Seth first real relationship and it hurts on both sides not being together. Paige finally gets ready and they leave for the club and they arrive and see everyone and is already there Roman and Dean too but Dean keeps it's distance he is at the bar getting himself a drink when they get there, Seth goes over and sits down next to him and says "come here often ? As Dean turns and looks at him and smirks "here no my brother's girlfriend invited me tonight but Truth be told I came to see her roommate he is fine as hell" as Seth smiles at him "really her roommate is fine as hell where is this guy I may call dibs" as Dean shakes his head "oh hell no this guy is mine, and I'm looking straight at him" as he laughs and passes him his drink he order Seth early, "here I order it for you early" as Seth smiles and takes it "thanks Dean I appreciate it" as they talk for a bit before heading towards Paige and the others and starting their night out but Dean And Seth can't keep their eyes off each other the whole time.

Sami Zayn one of Dean's ex's walk in and sees Dean and yells his name and Dean mumbles "omg kill me now" because Sami and his relationship was toxic, Sami understand Dean was the Dom in the bedroom And he had to be the sub and didn't have a problem but after a while Sami wanted to change it up, he wanted to be the Dom and Dean be the Sub and it didn't work out" as Dean looks at Seth and gives him a look and hopes Seth understand what the look means as Sami gets closer to them, as Seth smiles and totally got what Dean's look meant so when Sami got to them and said "hey to Dean" as Dean looks at him "Sami hey I would like you to meet Seth my new boyfriend, Seth babyboy this is Sami" as Seth smiles and leans over and wrapped his arms around Dean "it's nice to meet you Sami" as Dean can't help but feel butterflies when Seth wrapped his arms around him, it's like everything was alright between them even if in fact it's not Seth is playing it off perfectly and Dean will owe him big-time.

Sami doesn't say anything but you can see his face expression change and he walks off, Dean laughs and looks at Seth "thank you for that, you really had him going so much that he left" as Seth smiles and says "it's no problem Deano I still care about you and it was fun" they go back to the others, and finish out their night, next day Paige and her family are going to meet Roman's family for dinner, as Seth and his family are having a family night themselves because graduating is tomorrow. Roman and Dean's parents love Paige ans her family so their first time meeting went well, Seth and his family had a great time together at Seth and Paige's apartment tonight, next morning it's the big day aka graduation and everyone who is graduating is excited, Dean and his family will be there for a few reasons but like Roman dating Paige and last night Paige inviting the entire family but for Dean himself he has an important job he is one of the speakers, and he wants to also speak with Seth at some point today. Seth, Paige and their families arrive soon after and see how beautiful everything turn out and see who is all there already.

Seth takes his family and finds their seats but sees Dean and calls him over to introduce his family to dean, and when Dean walks over he does just that letting his family know who Dean is "everyone this is Dean Ambrose he is my boyfriend, we are just taking our time and had a little argument a bit ago but we are working on it" as he smiles at his mom and she smiles back and they welcome Dean to the family and Dean can't believe Seth did that but he will take it, after a few minutes and finding Seth's family seats Dean and Seth walk away and Dean stops him "what was that? As Seth smiles "I meant what I said Dean we had argument but we are working on it, I still care for you and I know you still care for me" as Dean nods his head. As Dean "whatever it takes to make it better I'm up for it and go kill it up there" as Seth winks and goes and finds Paige and his friends so they can get in line to start, a little bit later and the graduation ceremony starts and Dean does his speech and then every student walks and gets their diploma and graduations, it turn out to be a great day for everyone.

There is two more parts so this one ends at 13 but there will be an sequel....  But the next part gets into Dean and Seth trying to work on there relationship!!

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