Chapter 4

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I woke up at noon the next day. It was a Sunday. The events of the previous day came flooding back at me. At first I smiled, but I remembered the pain and my smile faded away as quickly as it came. I was fool. It was a mistake to have let myself because I missed that happiness now. I stared at the ceiling blankly, considering staying in bed all day. But that's when it hit me, what Danny wanted to tell me... I have to stop drowning myself in self-pity and start living my life again. It's ok to be sad, but not always. I had to get out of the house. Do something with my life. Otherwise I could never meet other people, I'd be alone forever.

Alone forever. Forever.

Those words still ringing in my ears, I got up and took a long shower. I planned my day. First I'd go to my favourite cafe. Since it was om my way to the park, I'd go read in the park for a while and then ask Chloe if she wanted to meet up for dinner. We'd exchanged phone numbers cause she was new to London and didn't really know anyone here and she was the closest thing I had to a friend...

So I got dressed. Black jeans and a plain dark red hoodie. It was a cold March this year. I looked for proper shoes and grabbed my bag before leaving for the cafe. It was already 1pm so the cafe was as full as it usually was around breakfast time. I ordered a cup of tea and a croissant and sat at my favourite table by the window. I watched people pass by as I ate. Teenagers with their friends, families... everyone seemed happy. The sun was shining making the grass glitter from yesterday's rain. Music was playing softly over the speakers and I just sat there and smiled. I was the closest I'd been to happy for a long time (not counting the night before)...

An hour later, I left the cafe again. I was listening to music and walking to the park completely unaware of my surroundings. Suddenly I bumped into someone. Startled, I apologized amd looked down. "Ava?" The girl asked. I looked up: "Chloe!!" I exclaimed. "I actually wanted to call you and ask if you'd like to grab dinner or something tonight." "Sure! Amything beats sitting on the couch alone..." she said chuckling. We decided to go to the pizzeria right next to the park at 7pm. I waved good bye and walked on.

I was at the park in no time and after a short walk I sat down on my typical bench and wrote. I haven't written in a long time. It was a passion of mine, in a different life. The life before the pain, but now everything will change...time to pick myself up. I couldn't write at first. It was like I'd forgotten how it works, but as soon as I put my earphones in and listened to music, I got into a real writing flow. Words and emotions birsted out of me and into my notebook. Letter by letter, word by word, page by page, I filled the book with some of my deepest emotions. I poured heart and soul into my writing, just like I used to. I felt free again. I felt like I was alive again. I felt like I was actually me again...

At 5pm I decided to leave the park to tidy up my flat before Chloe came.  I stood up and left my bench behind with a light hearted feeling, I was actually fixing myself. Slowly, but steadily, I was becoming me again. Completely lost in thought, I wandered around the park a bit more before heading home. Suddenly, I was startled by someone yelling and grabbing my arm: "Hey! You dropped your book!" My book! Thank god he found it. When I turned around to get ny book and thank the man, I looked him in the eyes. I was looking straight into the beautiful hazel coloured eyes of Danny O'Donoghue. "You again!" He said, a smile widening on his face. "Ava! What have you been up to today?" He smiled at me and looked me into the eyes the whole time. He remebered my name now, but in a few weeks, I'll be forgotten...His eyes were so warm and actually interested in what I was saying. He cared, I could tell he actually cared. "I was writing. Stories not songs, I'm not as talented as you..." I laughed. "Whoa, really?!" He said. "I never thought you'd be a writer! I can't really do the real writing, just the songs!" I smiled. I was talking to him like he was someone else, not the guy who saved my life with the lyrics he wrote and his been my idol for 12 years..."Can I read your writing? If you're ok with it." He wants to read what I wrote? "Sure, but it's a lot..." I said. "I really have to get going..." Should I invite him to come with me? "I'll walk with you." He suggested. Thank god! Avoided an awkward situation...

"When's your next show?" I asked. "I'm surprised you're still in London."
"Not until Wednesday, 3 more days and it's only in Leeds..." "I was thinking about coming, but I'm not sure if I can afford it" I said laughing. He smiled at me and said nothing. It was mysterious. "What brought you to London?" He asked. "You accent sounds more American. And you don't seem very happy here..." Was it so obvious? Could I tell him, trust him? I stopped walking. "What's wrong? You don't have to tell me! I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked..." He said, suddenly insecure. "No, no, it's fine I just can't tell you while walking. And I've never really talked to anyone about this..." I leaned against the wall of a building and he leaned against it next to me. "My parents divorced when I was young. My dad lived in the USA and my mum here in London. I used to be in the USA all the time and adapted that accent, originally my dad is from the USA too and my mum's from Ireland, Belfast I think." He smiled and nodded, knowing that it wasn't the end of my story. It was crazy how comfortable I was talking to him about everything. Another step of moving on. "But my mum got addicted to drugs a few years ago and it was hard for me to live with that. I went to live with my dad for a few years and even studied journalism there, but last year I got a job offer here in London and came back. A few days later, my dad died. It was sudden and I wasn't there. Killed in a car crash...I couldn't even attend his funeral, I haven't even been to his grave, I have no money and..." my voice broke off and I closed my eyes.  Tears started to roll down my face. Danny knew what I was going through. Silently, he walked over to me and hugged me. We just stood there for a while. Him hugging me and me letting all of the grief out, for the first time, I'd spoken to someone about everything and it felt good. Then he released me and we started walking again. After 5 minutes, I whispered: "Thank you, I needed that" and smiled at him. He smiled back. Ot felt like a real friendship...with my idol. Ha! The thought was so funny that I had to laugh. "What's up now?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face. "This..." I said, puzzling him even more. "I'm starting to actually feel better. And I'm here with you. I never thought I'd see you in my life. You're the guy from the internet, who wrote the songs that saved my life and you were so far away...Now you're so close and just told you my deepest's crazy!" I explained, laughing again. "When I talk to you, I forget you're a fan. You still treat me like a normal human, other treat me like I'm a perfect god, which I'm not...I swore I'd never put one fan before the other, but I enjoy talking to you. You're not a fan, you're a friend. I mean it's a lot to say after 3 days, but I'm human too. I need friends, new friends too, that aren't famous..." He hesitated. "That sounded weird!" He said and shook his head laughing.

By the time we reached my flat it was 6pm. "Would you like to come in for a while? I'm going out tonight, but if you want you can read my writing while I clean..." I must've sounded so stupid. But still Danny said: "I'd love to, but not too long, the lads and myself are going out too tonight..." So we went upstairs to my flat and sat down on the sofa. I got Danny some water (lame, but I didn't have anything else in the house) and left him alone with my book. When I came back he was already looking around in my flat. "You're truly a talented writer. That really touched me!" "Thanks" I mumbled, probably blushing. I wasn't so good with compliments. "You play?" He asked, pointing at the piano. Of course I played. Why else would a fucking piano be standing next to my tv?! But he was so much better than me, although I've been playing for about 10 years now. "Yeah, a bit..." I answered shrugging. "Wanna play for me? Or play a duet? I can teach you one, it's really simple!"

So I there I sat in my flat at my piano, next to Danny, playing some really simple duet, which was a lot of fun though. Danny and I freestyle sang some random stuff to it, I was admiring his vocal skills, while we we're both laughing at mine. Before I knew it, it was 6:50pm. Between all the fun and laughs with Danny, the last hour had past so quickly.

"Danny, I'm sorry, but I really have to go now..." I said, trying not to sound too rude. "Oh it's fine, I understand. I really should get going anyways. Already 20 minutes late to meet with the lads..." He said laughing. I just shook my head, I would never be late to meet Mark and Glen... I grabbed my stuff and when we reached the street, our ways parted. Danny pulled me into a hug again and whispered into my ear: "I hope you make it to Leeds, if not I'll find another way for us to meet up again, but I will see you again. I promise." Then he looked me into the eyes and left without saying goodbye. After all, there is no good in goodbye...

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