Chapter 16

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Weeks passed and Danny and I still spent a lot of time together. Most of the time he sleep at my place or I slept at his, we hadn't spent many nights apart since Chicago, but we didn't officially move in with eathother.

But I was starting to see the bad thinga of dating Danny too. All the fangirls and the rumors about me on the internet... It was frustrated, but I knew what awaited me when I chose him. Anyway, I had been sitting in the park for 30 minutes kow waiting for Danny, who wanted to meet uo for a walk after meeting with Mark. At 6pm, he finally showed up, but he was clearly drunk. I hated it when he was drunk. He always drank when he was stressed. But I tried to ignore it and we walked tk my flat.

He was absolutely crazy today though. I couldn't really talk to him. When we got home, we ended up watching a movie and then when it was over and he was sober, he tld be about his day and then went to sleep. I laid awake half of the night. I couldn't sleep. Something was bothering me lately...

The next morning Danny woke up late and I was already working. "Ava?" He asked. "Working." I replied. "Tea?" He asked. "Make your own." I replied, slightly annoyed. He grunted and made tea for himself. Not for me too. He left to go to the studio and came back at 6, as usual amd watched me work. After a while I couldn't concentrate anymore. Danny was lingering waiting for me to finish.

"Danny. You're annoying me..." I said sternly. "How is this annoying?" He relpied innocently.  Was he drunk again? This is not how he normally reacts. "I want to work..." I said raising an eyebrow. "Go for it." He said. Ok he was drunk. I could see it in his eyes. And his smile was his drunk smirk. Anger flashed through me. "You never let me work in peace!" I shouted angrily. "You work on your album whenever you want and I can't disturb you when you write lyrics, but I'm supposed to be able to write a fucking book while you watch me!?" "Yeah." He answered.  Yeah? I hated him when he was drunk. He was so careless then, as if my emotions didn't mean a thing. "And see, now you're even drunk!" I yelled. "Why are you drinking so much lately?!" That's when Danny got mad too. "You're not seriously accusing me for drinking a bit?! I'm a grown man, I can do as I please!" "But then don't come to my place!" I screamed at him, anger burning in my soul. I hated fighting with him. "Well you've been no fun lately!" He shouted. Danny never shouted. Never in a mad way. Our fights started a couple of days ago, but they kept getting worse. "You always work, work, work..." He complained. "No more trips, no more surprises, no more special dates or home cooked meals!" "Well Danny!" I responded, fuming.  "Maybe that's cause I actually have to work. I'm not rich or famous. I'm nothing. I'm broke and a disappointment!" "Well Ava!" He said, really angry now, I had hurt his feelings, I could see that in his eyes. "I'm lazy. I work too?! Did you think my fame came by itself?! A year ago I was your hero and now? What am I now?" Ugh. I hated that question. Of course I loved him, but he always made me feel so bad. "You know what?! Your stupid fangirls love you no matter what you do!" "DON'T YOU DARE ATTACK MY FANS!!" He shouted. Oh so his fans are more important than me? Good to know. "Danny what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even care about me anymore?!" I screeched, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. "I work so hard every day, give you as much attention as I can and you still come home drunk every night and love your fans more than me? This is not what you promised!" I ran out of the room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I fell onto the floor and cried. Why was this so complicated all of a sudden?! We were fine till Danny started his new album and I started my second book. My sobs echoed in the bathroom. I'd never felt so lonely in my life. I've never loved a man like I love Danny. I couldn't lose him, but this? It was too much.

"Ava?" I heard a soft knock on the door. "Ava, please? I'm sorry. I fucked up bad. I love you...Can we please talk?" I didn't reply. I wanted to, but I couldn't.  "Ava please?!" He choked. I could hear Danny was desperate.  He was crying too. I opened the door and slid outside and sat on the floor next to Danny. He had his head in his hands. "It can't go on like this." I said. "You need to change. I need to change.  We both need to change some things together, or this won't work out..." Danny exhaled shaking and raised his head. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm a fucking stupid boyfriend." I hated to see that I hurt him.

"Danny, stop saying that. I love you, I really do." I smiled at him. "But you need to be more understanding.  I'm still new to your fame. And it scares me when you drink so much. You're not yourself then. I want everything like it used to be. And I promise I'll work less. Just please quit the drinking..." He nodded. "And Ava... stop flirting with Mark." Mark? Me? Flirting? What the hell?! "Danny, I haven't been-" "Just try not to ok?" He said. "Ok." I whispered, cuddling up against him on the floor. And I actually had hope that everything would work out alright...

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