Chapter 10

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Everyone was leaving the arena, but I stayed where I was. I was frozen. I couldn't leave. I was basically too happy, too shocked to move. I was shaking uncontrollably and smiling like a foolish child (according to Chloe). In the end, we were some of the last ones still in the arena and security was starting to get annoyed and were repeatedly twlling us to leave and threatening to kick us out. "Ma'am" A very large security approached me. "If you don't leave now-" "WAIT!" Someone interrupted him. I looked behind the security and saw Danny run onto the stage. "Wait." He repeated, out of breath from running. "Mr O'Donoghue...what-?" The security was puzzled, but Danny just said. "She's Ava. They stay. I love her. She can do whatever she wants." I love her. He said it again.

I climbed over the barrier and ran into his arms. He was covered in sweat, but I didn't care, his hug felt so safe. My guilt came rushing over me again. I starting crying into his shirt. Tears of guilt, but also tears of joy. "Shhh Ava. Don't cry..." He whispered into my ear stroking my hair softly. We stood there like that, arm in arm, for a while until Chlie said: "Hello... still here!" Danny started to laugh and pulled out of hug. "Alright! Let's get this party started!" And mentioned for Chloe to follow him as he grabbed my hand and pulled us backstage.

When we got to their dressing room, Glen and Mark cheered and clapped. "Ah, you're Danny's girl at last!" Glen exclaimed. I smiled at him. I was Danny's girl now. We all sat down and had some drinks and chatted. After a while of talking to Danny (more like flirting and apologizing), I got up and walked over to Mark, who was pouring himself another drink. "Hey Ava! What's up?" He asked, not looking into my eyes. "Hey Mark. I was just wondering.  Why the glare earlier? I mean was that really necessary? I didn't mean to upset you if I did..." He looked up and said: "Ava, you don't know what you did to Danny by saying what you said the other day." We sat down again and he explained: "Danny came to the studio early instead of late and was completely wild. He locked himself up and wrote. We pounded on the door multiple times. No reaction. He came out with tears streaming down his face. He wrote beautiful, heartbreaking lyrics, I'll show you sometime..." Ohhh, I had really hurt him. "For the last days, you've been all he talked about, he worried that he wasn't good enough for you. I truly does care for you. And I was angry at you for hurting him. He got really drunk and then sat at the window the whole way here, looking out sadly. He didn't know what to do to show you that he really did care. He'd tried so, so hard, but you pushed him off. You made him feel like he wasn't good enough... It just hurt me to see him hurt. I couldn't forgive you until he felt better." "I understand... I am so sorry. Danny knows-" "I know Ava. You have trust issues, you mentioned that last time we talked. And I don't blame you. I'm not mad. You should've seen his shift of mood when he got your text...Promise you won't mess things up with him?" I nodded and smiled. "Thanks for explaining Mark! Danny is safe with me. He means so much to me and now, thinking back, I see that he cared, that my doubts were fake. I regrt what I said..." "Good. I like you Ava..." Mark smiled and hugged me, causing Danny to jump up, startling everyone. "Hands off my girl!" He said laughing. Slightly drunk, I assumed, as we all were.

It was already 3am. Danny and I went outside. "You wanna to something totally crazy?" Danny asked. "Anything with you." I replied laughing. "Alright..." He said, smirking at me childishly, with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Do you trust me?"  I did, I mean what did I have to loose? "If you promise everything we do is legal and that the others know where we are...yes!!! Surprise me Dan!" He laughed and pulled out his phone, texting the others and calling a taxi.

When our taxi came, he signaed for me to wait and went to talk to the driver. He came back smiling and held the door open for me. Such a gentleman. I climbed inside and he sat down next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Danny. This is so perfect. I don't even care where we're going, for all I know we could be going to some dirty alley and it would still be perfect. I'm with you, I'm happy. You're all I need right now..." Dan rested his head on mine and took my hand. "You'll see Ava, I promise tonight will be a night you'll never forget, I'll make sure if it." Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Hey Ava, wake up..." I heard Danny whisper into my ear softly while he was running his finger through my hair. "We're here." I smiled and opened my eyes, I could get used ti waking up like this. I looked at the clock. It was 5am. Where had Danny taken me. I got out of the car and looked around. We we're at the beach. I was speechless.  I hadn't been ti the beach in ages. "I thought we'd watch the sunrise here." Danny said smiling. He pointed at the horizon, where the sun was just beginning to rise. "And look, we're right on time." We sat down in the sand and watched the sun slowly rise before us.

Afer a while, I was finally able to talk again. Tears of joy im the corners of my eyes. "Danny, this is perfect. No one has ever done something like this with me. I don't know how to thank you..." He stood up and started walking. What was he up to?! I jumped up and ran after him. We walked in silence for a while until he said: "Ava, you don't have to thank me." He stopped walking and stood rught in front of me. We were only centimeters apart from everyother now. "It's so amazing that you're here with me. When you're here I can't not be happy. I love you!" Then he leaned in and kissed me. So there we were, alone at a beach in an unknown place, kissing while the sun was rising over the ocean. It was perfect. And I slowly felt my heart that was so broken and scarred heal a bit...

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