Chapter 5

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I arrived at the restraunt just on time and luckily, Chloe wasn't there yet. When she arrived, we took a seat by the window and ordered our pizzas. "So what were you up to today?" I asked while we waited for our food.
"Not much, I just did some shopping and city exploring today...everything is still so new to me and it's all so exciting! What about you?"
"Well I got up pretty late cause of the concert..."
"Yesss!!! I couldn't really sleep either! It was so amazing ahhh!"
"Yes OMG! So amazing! And guess who I ran into at the park today? Danny O'Donoghue!" I squeaked a bit causing others to look at us, but I was so excited to tell her.
"OMG! You met Danny O'Donoghue?! What was he like? Did you talk? What did he say? Did he recognize you?"
I had to laugh at her excitement and cause the situation just didn't seem real. I told her the whole story again from the beginning two days ago until our chat today.

"Wow ok. I think I know what to do." She said after I finished talking.
"What do you mean, 'you know what to do'? There's no problem here!" I asked wondering what she was up to now. Our food had already arrived and we were halfway through our pizzas. Between bites she explained: "Um well, that bar you went to...we're going there tonight BEFORE we go to your house, just for an hour or so, to see if the 'no good in goodbye' and 'going back to the corner' shit is true. And then if it is, I'll meet The Script, if it's not, we'll have had a nice drink." This girl was crazy..but I liked it!
"Sounds like a plan! I'm not gonna argue with you on that one!" I said, laughing as I threw the last piece of pizza into my mouth. We finished our drinks and chatted a bit longer, fantascizing about actually meeting the lads in the bar.

By 8:30pm we we're on our way to the bar, Chloe bubbling with excitement about something that might even never happen. We swung the door open laughing at our own silly dreams and sat down at the bar, ordering two beers. We laughed and drank and laughed some more, sharing happy and sad memories of our past and hopes and dreams for our future. We were almost alone in the bar jumping and turning every time the door opened, hopikg for oir favourite three lads to walk through the door. After 3 more rounds of drinks, the door opend once again and with all hope lost, we didn't bother turning around.

"Ava!" I heard someone call. I instantly spun around. Only one person had such a beautiful voice...Danny! The world froze for a second and there he was. Standing between Mark and Glen. His hazel eyes met mine. Then he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. "I knew I'd find you here!" Startled I asked: "You were looking for me?" "Yeah" He said smiling. "I wanted to see you again before we continue our tour!" I raised an eyebrow at him, but when he just smiled I turned to Mark and Glen. They just shrugged and laughed. Then I remembered Chloe, who was sitting behind me, frozen in shock. I walked over to her and pulled her out of her seat, towards the lads. Smiling, I said: "This is Chloe, a friend of mine. I actually met her yesterday night!" She smiled at them and waved nervously, making the lads smile. "It was her idea to come here, so thanks to her, I'm here!" I added laughing. "Well thank you Chloe!" Danny said. "Would you girls care to join us for a drink or two?" Finally able to talk, Chloe exclaimed: "More drinks...?! Sure, why not?!" And climbed back onto her seat, her eyes sparking in excitement. We sat and drank for wuite some time. After 2 hours, I started ordering water instead of alcohol and Danny joined me. I wanted to enjoy my time with them sober, so I'd actually remember, he just probably wanted to make a good impression...

At about 2am, we were all really having a great time, I could tell we weren't anywhere near finished. Lucy finally snapped out of her shyness and was lively (and probably drunkly) chatting with the Mark while Glen, Danny and I were talkig about music and future and things like that. When we ended up joinimg their heated discussion about the difference between alpacas and llamas, Danny leaned over to me and whispered: "Care to join me for a stroll through the park?" A walk alone with my idol, a famous singer? In the middle of the night? Ah who was I kidding! Of course I wanted to. I looked out the window, Danny followed my gaze. "But-" I started, but Danny cut me off. "The rain?" He asked raising and eyebrow jokingly. "Who cares?! You're seriously gonna let rain stop us? Some people would kill for a walk with me!" He said laughing, glancing at Chloe. I smiled. "No, I was going to say..." Danny smirked at me, knowing that he was catching me in a lie. "Actually... whatever rain makes it more fun! Can we just leave them here?" I asked, nodding my head towards Mark and Chloe, who were still completely drunk. "Ah Glen's still here..." Danny said, holling off of his chair. "Let's go."

We walked through the park, soaking wet because off the rain. I shivered, I had forgotten my sweater at home. Danny gave me his coat and smiled down at me. His hair was dripping water droplets onto his eyelashes, but his beautifully hazel eyes still stole the show. He was perfect. Wait. I couldn't fall in love with him. He was too perfect. I didn't deserve him. Besides, he'd just be another broken heart, someone like him doesn't want me. Or if they do, they don't want to keep me... "Why are you looking so sad all of a sudden?" He asked, stopping to look at me. I looked away, suddenly embarrassed by the tears I didn't even notice. How did he notice my tears in the rain? A little softer he said, pulling me aside under a bridge, where we were protected from the rain: "Hey Ava, what's wrong? You can talk to me...I care." I slumped down against a wall and leaned my head back. He said down next to me and said nothing. After a while I said: "This is all so perfect. You care, or at least you say that you care. I like you. You're such an amazing guy. I've liked you for so many years, but now that i know you, I like you even more..." I looked at him and he smiled. "Ava...I like you too. You don't know how happy I am to have met you! I need someone like you!" Lies. All lies. Every guys says that. Lies over lies. "Yeah. You like me now, but at some point you're not going to like me anymore. And that's going to break my heart. And I can't take another round of being broken. Not another time...I'm sorry." Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I knew I was ruining something. Something wonderful. Maybe I was breaking my own heart. But better safe than sorry.

For a long time, neither of us said a word. "Ava..." Danny said trailing off. "No Danny...I'm sorry." I said jumping up. "I can't take any more fake friends." With that I jumped up and ran into the rain, tears streaming down my face. No more fake friends. What if Chloe only liked me to get to the lads? I pushed that thought aside quicktly, but I couldn't stop the questions from coming. What if my life wasn't worth living? What if it was all fake? I ran into the night, my heart shattering as I ran, Danny's coat still around my shoulders. "AVA!" I heard Danny shout, but I didn't look back. "AVA!" I ran and ran and ran...until I couldn't take it anymore. I collapsed into the mud, shaking and sobbing. "AVA!!!!" I heard Danny scream, panic in his voice. He must've run after me, his footsteps came closer and closer. He sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug. "Ava..." he whispered into my ear. "It's ok. I'm here. I promise I won't break your heart. I'm here and I'll always be here. Let's get you home."

He carried me the last few metres to my flat and fished my key out if my purse letting us in. He gave me some time alone to change while he made some tea in the kitchen. When I came into the room, I found him on my couch, only in his boxers, wrapped in a blanket, a cup of tea in each hand, the fireplace on. I gave him a thankful smile as I took my cup and snuggled up next to him. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. I could hear his heart beating. I felt safe. I closed my eyes. I had messed up big time. "Danny, I'm sorry...I-" "Shhh" Danny cut me off, stroking my hair. "It's ok. I understand. You're going through so much right now and I unterstand, but you're strong Ava. A fighter. And I promise I'll always be there." I smiled, a tear rolling down my cheek. I was in love with Danny. No doubt in that. He pulled me closer and I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. If only his moment could last forever...

"Ava?" Danny whispered. I opened my eyes. Not believing that I actually heard his voice, but there he was. Danny O'Donoghue. In my flat. At...I squinted at the clock...4am. " fell asleep" he said smiling at me. "No...I was just thinking" I said, which was true. "You can leave if you want to..." I offered, not wanting to force him to stay. But he declined and asked for a shirt. I got up amd went to my memory drawer, giving him my ex's shirt. Chuckling he put it on and got onto the couch next to me. "Why are you doing all this?" I asked. "Why are you staying with me, when nobody else is?" He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him. He gave me a kiss on the head and said: "I'm not doing this for you. I think I like you. A lot. I can't see you alone. I would hurt me too much. And you're so...I don't know. There's something about you that makes it impossible to leave." His words were perfect. Too perfect. Lies? "You hate me..." I said trailing off, almost asleep. "You know if I think about it you might be right." He said, hesitating for a minute. "But I don't hate you. I hate that you won't accept the fact that I like you. And I like you a lot, more than you could ever imagine..."

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