Chapter 9

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Tuesday morning. I was actually  excited for the concert. I decided to think of Danny as my idol again amd not as my 'lover' or something like that. It was relieving. I grabbed my bags and a ran outside to catch the bus that took me to the train station.

When I got there, Chloe was already waiting for me. We she saw me, she grabbed her bags and ran towards me. "Ava!!" She exclaimed. "Our train leaves in 30 minutes...Let's go!" I laughed as she ran off and followed her.

30 minutes later, we were on our way to Leeds. "Do you have our tickets?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, as if I coudl forget the most important thing. "Of course I do!" I replied laughing. "Ok we haven't seen eachother since your mysterious disappearance on Saturday... We have some SERIOUS catching up to do." She smirked at me and I sighed. "Spill! What's the deal with Dan?!" I hesitated at first, but she was my best friend, my only friend, to be honest. I decided I had to tell her, so I told her the whole story. "Danny and I were sober, as the only ones by the way, so we decided to escape the noise of the bar and take a walk to chat. We walked through London and ended in the park, but it was raining and I had forgotten my coat. So Danny gave me his. He was so perfect and then I realised that I didn't derseve him and I was starting to fall in love with him. And I...panicked. I told him that I wanted whatever it was between us to end and-" "WHAT?!" "I was really freaking out crying, I ran away, but I fell. He carried me home and made tea and a fire and we got cozy on the couch." "Sounds like the perfect romance, Ava... Except for the part when you ended everything. What's wrong?" "Well then we slept on the couch and he left the next morning, after asking me out on a date. So we had our perfect little dinner date, but when we went on a walk, doubt started flooding over me again. When he came to my place yesterday,  I told him to call me when he had a clear answer about how he felt." I leaned my head against the window. "Oh Ava...You really fucked that one up." Chloe said, hugging me.

We spent the rest of the journey in silence. Chloe listening to music and me writing. We arrived in Leeds that afternoon and went to our hotel to relax a bit. We had dinner in the hotel and went to bed early. After all we wanted to be close to the front of the queue at the gig tomorrow. 

Our alarm rang at 7am. I put on my NSWS t-shirt and my Freedom Child wristband and we set off to the gig. We belonged to the first people to get there, 6th and 7th. It was still a bit cool, so we wore our jackets and drank the tea we'd brought along from the hotel.

Suddenly we heard girls screaming. Mark came out. We hugged plently of fans and took selfies with them when he saw me, we locked eyes. His smile faded and he shook his head, glaring at me. What had I done to him?! He hushed past us and went on to other fans befire going back inside to the lads. Chloe and I exchanged a confused glance and went on talking about work and dreams and stuff like that.

Then Chloe said, quietly, so only I could hear: "Ava! Look over there by the window." I looked where she said and there he was. Danny was sitting at the window, barely visible, looking out. He was looking at us, but when he saw me look over he glanced away. I could she pain and frustration in his eyes. Had I hurt him? I needed to make things right again. I pulled out my phone. "What are you doing?" Lucy asked curiously, peering kver my shoulder. "Something crazy." I replied, a determined smile on my lips. "I'm fixing my mistake." I looked up at Danny and dialed his number. He pulled out his phone and saw my number. He glanced at me through the window and hung up, shaking his head. I let let a frustrated mix of a growl and a sigh. "You ok?" Chloe asked. "I'm not giving up. This is my fault." I said. If he's not gonna answer my calls, I'll just text him.

Danny, please...forgive me. Forgive everything I said.

I looked up at him. He stared at his phone, emotionless. I was desperate. I loved him. I couldn't loose him. He was perfect and maybe that was all I need. Danny got up from next to the window and started to walk away. Quickly, I texted him again. It was my last hope.

I love you.

I hesitated for a second before sending it, but it was the right thing to do. I built up all my courage and pressed 'send'. I wouldn't let myself ruin my life. I glanced up at Danny again. He stood still, probably reading my text. Hopefully resding my text. Then he walked on. I don't know if I imagined it or not, but it seemed like he held his head a little higher.

The rest of our wait passed quickly, neither Danny or any of the others showing up. Before we knew it, we were standing at the barrier, waiting for the concert to begin. I was starting to get nervous.  Could I look him in the eyes. I know I'd hurt him. I felt guilty. He tried to help me. He was worried, he cared. And I pushed him away, afraid of him caring too much. And now I was hurtig and he was hurting. I wanted it to be okay again.

The concert started and the lads seemed calm. I got a smile from Glen and Mark glanced at me, but looked away quickly. Danny held eye contact with me for a few seconds of No Good in Goodbye, but then quickly glanced away and never looked into my eyes again for the next songs.

Danny started his typical Hall of Fame speech but then he stopped. He took a break from talking, silence filled the arena. He closed his eyes and then opened them and said: "I'm sorry, but there's one more thing I need to do before this ends." He walked over to Glen and talked to him and then to Mark. They nodded at him and Glen glanced at me. What was going on.

"Today, I decided to add one more song to the setlist, spontaneously. For a special girl..." A special girl... Chloe whispered: "OMG! He means you doesn't he?! He means you!" I nodded, not sure if this was really happening.  His eyes scanned the crowd until he locked eyes with me. He walked across the stage and sat down on the edge, right in front of me. He did mean me. Tears filled my eyes. "I met her at a bar, not so long ago actually. We got along well, she's a fan, I didn't know that, she never said it. Then I saw her again. And after that I HAD to see her again." He paused and laughed. "She's so perfect. She's the girl who has my heart racing and my head all messed up. Only one thing is clear.  She's important. I need to protect her and be there for her. I can't leave her...But she can't see how important she is." Tears were streaming down my face, I couldn't belive what was happening... was it a dream? was real. Real life and not a lie... "She means the world to me. She's my one and only. No one has ever left an impression on me like she has. She's special, one of a kind, beautiful, funny, sweet...amazing." He looked into my eyes again, a wide smile on his face, but I could see tears in the corners of his eyes. "Ava..." He said, his voice breaking, riping my soul apart. "I love you too. I'm yours..." Tears were flooding down his cheeks and I was sobbing.  He jumped off of the stage as the song dtarted playing and came to hug me. The crowd was cheering. Danny went back on stage to finish the song and of course, Hall of Fame before he left the stage. I didn't really realise any of that though. I was still in shock in my fantasy world. Danny had finally said it. He loves me.

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