Chapter 13

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"Hello?" I asked into my phone. "Ava..." I heard a familiar voice say. It was my sister Lucy. "Why are you calling me?" I asked. Lucy and I had a fight after my dad died and we haven't talked in over a year. Something must be up if she's calling. "It's mum. She just showed up at my door causing trouble. You know that I can't take care of her. I have a family...Can you take her?" Typical Lucy move. Only calls when she needs something and expects me to do it right away. I hestitated. I wanted to be done with mum. I didn't want her in my life anymore, I wanted a fresh start. But she was still my mother. I told Lucy I'd call her in the morning and tried to go back to sleep.

After hours of tossing and turning, I decided to call the lads for help. I rang Glen cause he was unusually the first one awake. "Hey Ava! What's up?" He asked cheerfully. How could he be so cheerful at 6:30am?! "Hey Glen are the others awake yet?" I asked. "Nope just me, why?"
"Well I have a problem and need advice, from all of you, but I guess you're good too." His face wrinkled in concern, by now, even he knew that I never asked for help unless it was very serious. "Did something happen? Are you ok? Should we send Danny home? We can reschedule a gig if it's necessary..." "No! No need for that... It's my mum..." I told him the whole story of my mum's depression and drug addiction and how she suddenly turned up at my sister's door in the middle of the night.

He was silent for a while, thinking. Then he said, slowly: "Well, I understand that she's been bad and that you don't talk to her for a reason, but she IS still your mother. You need to be better than her and be there for her. She needs you now. Maybe you can help her out of this. Send her to rehab or something like that..." "Yeah. But REHAB?! Where should I get the money for that? I could barely afford a concert ticket..." I burst into tears again. "I'm so sorry Ava... You shouldn't have to go through this." He smiled at me. He wasn't Danny, but he was still one of my favourite people on this planet and a good friend of mine. He cheered me up a little bit. I raised my head and gave him a small smile. "Thanks Glen. Tell Danny to call me!" I hung up and prepared my flat for my mum. Then I called my sister and told her about my conversation with Glen. "Wait Glen as in The Script Glen? Glen Power?" I sighed. "Yeah." "How?! Ugh I'm so happy for you, you've always wanted reply from him!" "Not reply, Lucy. Video chat. We're close friends...." "OMG!! How did you do that?!" "I'm kinda Danny's new mystery girlfriend...And don't tell anyone!" "I won't! And I just thought about what you said. Maybe if we try it together, we can get mum into rehab. We need to work as a team again. The girls miss 'Auntie Ava' and they don't have a grandmother becaus she's a drug addict...I always dreamed of a real life, but this is not what I wanted. I want my family back..." I know what she meant. "Alright. I can spare a bit of money. Not much but a little. And we could go out together again to catch up some time. I never wanted any of this either. I'm just not sure if I can ever trust mum again." "We'll do everything we can." I hung up smiling, but hurting. My life was slowly starting to make sense again. I missed Danny, sure, but I was gonna be okay. For the first time in my life, I knew that I could finally be ok...

And everything of that plan worked out. Over the next weeks mum was sent to rehab and therapy and I met up with Lucy and her kids a few times, but it still wasn't the same it used to be. But it was better. Danny and I still talked every day and worked on oir song and I was really making progress on my book. Considering the circumstances, I was happy...

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