Chapter 7

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I rushed down the street and turned the corner to the bar. There he was, standing under the tree. His hair was absolutely perfect and the sun made his eyes sparkle. When he look at me, he flashed a smile and began to walk towards me. When I reached him, he pulled me into a hug.

"It's so good to see you." He whispered into my ear. "You just saw me this morning!" I said, laughing. He looked away. "I need that hug..." He said quietly, almost a bit shy. Was something wrong? He seemed a but distant, almost sad... "Danny, are you okay?" I asked. His face lightened up a little and he looked into my eyes amd said: "Ava, don't worry! You're here, we're together now and we're gonna have a great night! I couldn't be better!" I saw that he mean 100%, but I didn't to push him to talk to me. I smiled at him and said: "You're right! I can't wait to see what you have planned for us..." Totally unexpected, he grabbed my hand and started walking. DANNY WAS HOLDING MY HAND!!! He acted like it was nothing, the normalest thing in the world, to hold hands with me. We walked the 5 minutes to his flat in silence, smiling.

When we arrived at his flat, he unlocked his door and signaled me to wait. Mysterious...I laughed and waited. He came back just seconds later, taking my hand and puling me inside. He led me to his huge balcony, it was completely candle-lit and there was a picnic blanket spread on the ground with wine and snacks. It was absolutely amazing. Nobody had ever done something like this for me... I felt tears in my eyes and I turned to Danny, smiling. "Danny..." I said. I was speechless, I loved him. It wasn't the right thing to fall in love with him. With Danny, but I couldn't help it. "Thank you..." I managed to say. He look deep into my eyes and said: "I'm hungry!" I had to laugh. Anyone else would say that we ruined the romance if everything by being so silly, but I haven't been happy for so long, it felt good to laugh.

"Sooo," Danny started, popping another grape into his mouth, bursting out into laughter because he missed, before continuing. "Tell me more about you. I've barely had the chance to reay get to know you..." Ugh. I hate these kind of questions. What do people want to know. Like what do they actually care about. "Uhh...I don't know!" I said laughing. "You don't know anything about yourself?!" Danny exclaimed, sarcastically shocked. I couldn't stop laughing. "Noooo! I mean, what do you want to know?" He smiled and said: "Ok. We'll play a game. We'll take turns asking questions and then we both answer every question! I'll start." I hope this doesn't get to private. Didn't want to spill my soul on the first date. I shivered. It was getting cold. "Ok sounds good, but can we go inside? I'm freezing!"

We packed everything up and went inside. Once we were cuddled up on the couch and had some drinks and music on, Danny asked: "Ok, just to get the basics straight: Full name, age, birthday, favourite colour, favourite music, favourite movie/series and dream job"

A: "Oh wow that's a lot...uhm... Ava Quinn... 25 years old, my birthday's on 4 June...favourite colour? I really like green I guess. Music ahhh...there's this band you probably haven't heard of them..." Danny rised an eyebrow at me, smirking. "The Script? Ever heard of 'em?" I asked grinning. Dann shook his head sarcastically: "Never! But if you love them so much, I should reall have a listen!" We laughed and talked on and on for hours, answering most questions, but trying to avoid the awkward ones.

Then Danny came with a question that was quite personal. I was actually kind of shocked, I mean it was our first date. "What's your biggest fear?" He asked. Was he rushing this? I wasn't ready. Was I ready? Could I really trust him? Who knows? Maybe I'm just another fan romance to him... "Ava? Are you alright? If it's too personal I'm-" "No it's alright Danny. I'm afraid of beinf disappointed. I've been disappointed so many times. Everyone I've ever cared about has disappointed me. At least once. Everything I have hope for ends in disappointment. My life has been a disappointment. Every disappointment has broken me, I can't take more of it. If I break one more time, I'll shatter..." I looked him in the eyes. He shouldn't see my fear just talking about it. The overwhelming sadness I felt just talking about it. I smiled. "Your turn!" He looked in my eyes, his hazel eyes almst killing me again. A hint of sad in them again, just like earlier... "I afraid if loosing everything. My music and the success I've had in life. And more importantly, the people I care about. I've already lost my dad..." He took a deep breath. I could see him shaking, but he asked the question... "And I can't take pain like that again. My music and the people I love have helped me out of the darkest places in my live. They're what make me who I am. Without them, I'm nothing."

I rested my head against his shoulder in silence, staring out into the night. Suddenly he said: "This could be a really bad idea, but do you want to go for a walk?" I agreed and we went for a walk. In complete silence just enjoying eachother's company. It was perfect. He was perfect. But I didn't deserve him. His cute dimples. His shining eyes. His kind heart. I almost felt like I deserved to be disappointed.

At 11pm we finally arrived in front if my door. I was an emotional wreck. Did I really deserve him? Did he love me? Or even like me at all? Did I love him? Why did I suddenly care so much? I go to one bar on a rainy night and my whole fucking life suddenly changes?! Nothig amde sense anymore. I quickly hugged the slightly confused Danny and rushed inside. No promises to call or text or ever see eachother again. I flung myself on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. What was wrong with me?

I took out my phone and texted Chloe.

A: Hey...

C: Hey Ava! Date already over?

E: Yeah

C: Everything alright?! You seem weird...

A: Yeah we talked it was great

C: Something's not right.

She was right. But what should I have said. Tears were running down my cheeks as I explained everything again.

C: Oh Ava...Your past has scarred you, that's ok. But you have to talk to Danny. He'll understand. I know he will.

A: Maybe... night

I cried myself to sleep again. Every sob shaking an unbearable pain through my body. I had to accept it. Danny was a solution for a few days, but Danny has to keep going. He was a star, with no time for love. So I had to move on and be disappointed again...

Mad Love (The Script//Danny O'Donoghue fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now