Chapter 8

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After a restless night, I woke up for work, still shaking. I got ready and grabbed my purse and my phone, before running out to catch the bus.

On the bus, I checked my phone. 3 missed calls, two from Danny, one from Chloe and 17 unread messages, from Danny, Chloe and my mum? I decided to deal with all of them later, I needed to focus on work, a good newspaper doesn't make itself.

During my lunch break, I checked my phone again. One more missed call, from Danny. What was so important?! I couldn't let myself fall in love with him. I had to see him as my idol again. I needed to forget everything lrivate we ever had. I deleted his messages without opening them. It broke my heart, but I couldn't take another disappointment. I went back to work and soon my mind was off of Danny again, just like it always was when I was writing.

At 4pm I was done at work. I packed all of my stuff. I glanced at my phone, another missed call...from Danny of course. I angrily shoved my phone into my pocket and walked to the bus stop. Of course, I had just missed the bus and the next one came in 30 minutes. Why did the whole world hate me today?! I decided to walk home, to think.

I wandered through London, comoletely lost in thought, totally not watching my surroundings.  "Hey! I know you!" I heard someone say behind me. I spun around and looked straight into the eyes of Glen. "Ava, wasn't it? Danny's girl?" Danny's girl?! "Ava's right. I'm not Danny's girl, I'm just another fan..." I said trailing off. "What are you up to?" I asked, quickly changing the topic. "Heading to the studio. We always meet there before we take the bus to our next gig. I always go a bit early...and you sure aren't just another fan. Danny talks about you a lot..." Ha! What's there to talk about? Glen is probably just trying to make me feel better. I smiled. "That's nice to hear. Tell him that I hope he has a nice time on the rest of the tour." And that he should never contact me again. I added in my thoughts. I didn't dare to say it though. If I ignore him, he'll give up eventually... "Speaking of Danny..." Glen added. Ugh, more Danny talk. Could he shut up already?! "Have you heard from him today? Mark only got a text from him saying he might be late today..." Oh shit...did something happen? What have I done? I was starting to worry... "Umm... He called a few times and texted." Glen looked at me in disbelief. "And you ignored him...You think you're mot inportant to him..." I nodded. "Do you know how rarely Danny calls and texts people?" I shrugged. This was embarrassing. I had to get home and think some more. Maybe I'd call him back. "Oh fine...I'll call him when I'm home." I said. "I will kill you on Wednesday if you don't!" Ugh the concert in Leeds. I  wanted to go cause of my love to The Script. But it kinda messes with my plan of ignoring Danny.

I turned the corner go my flat and there he was. Danny was leaned against the wall next to my door, looking right at me. When I arrived at the door, I wanted to go in and ignore him, but he grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Danny!" I exclaimed. "Ava? I was haven't been answering my calls. Did you even get my calls?" He was worried? Ugh everything is messing with my head... What did he feel? What did I feel? "Oh no I got your calls. Now would you kindly let me go home? I need to pack for Leeds!" "No! I want you to hear me out!" What was up with him? I wasn't worth a fight! Was he seriously going to fight on the middle of the street with me? As a celebrity?! "Fine. Come in." I said bitterly. He was so annoying! But I loved him anyways... I love him?! I love him. I truly love him. I finally know how I felt.

We sat down on my couch and he asked: "What's up with you? You've been ignoring my calls and you were so weird lately?" I could see that he was worried and I felt bad for wjat I did, it wasn't rigt to ignore him, but one question never left my head; How did Danny feel? I sighed. He really looked worried, kind of sad, maybe a bit disappointed even. "I-I'm so sorry Danny... I'm just so-" Danny was hurt, I could tell. "So...what?" He snapped, interrupting me. "...scared." He inhaled sharply and his face softened up, wrinkles of comcern vetween his eyes. "Oh Ava...What are you so scared of?" Could I tell him? Chloe told me he'd understand. She said to trust him. I mean if he didn't, I could just never see him again.

"Well I'm afraid to have feelings for you. Afraid to care too much. And then to loose it all. Especially if you don't feel anything for me...I need something real in life, something that I can hold onto, something I know that will stay. Not some two week rockstar romance. I can't take another round of being broken. No more disappointments..." I could see Danny was at the edge of tears. "Ava, I do have feelings for you, I would never-" I cut him off. "No Danny. I talk now...So many guys have told me that they'd never hurt me. I've always been left behind. My heart was always broken. My soul crushed. How can I trust you? How do I know that what you feel is real? I need a real answer, or this is the end...and don't respond now, think about it. Call me when you know." He nodded and left. He left. He should've responded. He should've given me an answer. But he didn't. He walked away.

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