Chapter 6

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I woke up late the next morning.  I couldn't remember where or with who I was at first, but I felt safe. I stayed where I was for a few more minutes, the memories of the night before washing over me. Pizza, the bar, the Script, Danny...Danny! Slowly I raised my head to look at the man who was sleeping next to me on the couch. He looked so peaceful, breathing heavily, a smile on his lips... I carefully tried to get out from under his arms without waking him, but clumsy as I am, I rammed my knee into his leg, startling him awake. He opened his eyes and scanned the room, his eyes resting on me. "Morning Ava." He said softly. Then he added: "Tea..." I chuckled softly, getting up to make us some tea and toast, allowing him to take a shower. He happily strolled into the kitchen 10 minutes later, a smug smile on his face. "Why are you so happy?" I asked, smiling at my tea. "Ahh the usual." He replied. "I had my shower, I have my tea. I'm happy." He looked up at me, his beautiful hazel eyes meeting mine. "And you're here." I smiled at him and gestured him to sit down next to me. "Soo back on tour in 2 days..." I said. "Yeah....Oh I almost forgot, these are for you!" He exclaimed, pulling 2 tickets to their show in Leeds out of his pocket. I couldn't believe it! He gave me tickets for free! I love him much. Wait. I love him? I can't LOVE him. He'll break my heart. "Oh w-wow...Th-thank you so much! But you really didn't need to do this!" I stuttered, still not sure what to think. "Ahh no problem." He smiled at me. "I need to see you again, especially after tonight and you don't seem to have social media or a phone number..." He added. I did. Oops. Everyone else would've asked him to follow them on social media or given him their phone number in hope for a call. I blushed. I was so stupid. "Oh! Of course I do! I just never thought to contact you." We exchanged phone numbers and he followed me on instagram and twitter.  "If it's something important, always text or call gets swallowed up by all the fan messages on social media." I nodded.

We finished our breakfast and Danny offered to do the dishes so I could change. At first I refused to let him, but it was pointless, so eventually, I gave in and changed.  A few minutes later, we were back on the couch, checking our phones. "SHIT!" Danny yelled, then he started laughing. "What is it?" I asked, already cursing myself for asking, it's none of my business. "6 missed calls and 29 messages from Glen and Mark...they have no idea where I am." I gasped. Chloe. "I quickly dialed her number, Danny looked at me, confused, but he didn't say a word. "Ava?!" She answered the phone after the first ring. "Where did you disappear to? I was worried sick, I was going to call the police if you didn't call soon! You just left yesterday...what happened? Are you ok?" I laughed and simply said: "Danny and I went for a walk that ended at my house-" Danny raised his eyebrow at me. "I was having a bad day and Danny brought me home and we fell asleep on the couch." Danny gave me an approving smile. "Oh thank God!" She said laughing. "Oh and guess what? I have tickets for us to see the lads in Leeds on Wednesday!" "OMG yessss!" She squealed on the other end of the line.  "See you at the train station on Tuesday?" "Yesss! See you then! Can't wait!" She replied and hung up. Danny smiled at me and I hugged him. "Thank you." I whispered and he kissed my head.

We just sat there in silence for a few minutes until Danny said: "Ava, how about we do something today? Just the two of us?" Danny and me? Alone? Like a date? OMG yes!! Even if it wasn't a wasn't, was it? Maybe it was? What if it was? Insecure, I replied: "Sure! What do you want to do?" "Well, I don't want to risk going out in public, we just performed here a few days ago and I'll get recognized... I want you to keep your privacy. How about you come over to my place in two hours? I'll have plenty of time to prepare and you can do whatever girls do before a..." He hesitated. "" he smiled and got up, walking to the front door. "See you in 2 hours" "Ok!!" I said, trying to stay calm. I really had a date with Danny O'Donoghue!!!! I waited for him to be long gone until I let put a high pitched scream. A date! With Danny... my dreams had come true! I grabbed my phone and texted Lucy...

A: OMG Chloe!! Guess what just happened?

C: What?! You won the lottery? You adopted a frog? Idk tell me!!

A: I adopted a frog?! Hell no!! I just got asked out on a date...

C: Danny? Did Danny ask you out on a date?!


C: Omg!!!! I can't believe it! What's the plan? What do celebrities do on dates?

A: Well since Danny is quite famous, he doesn't want to go out in public, so we're going to his place...

C: Ohhh cool! What are you doing?

A: Don't know! I guess he'll surprise me!

C: Wait...You know where he lives?!

A: No...shit! I totally forgot to ask! I'll text him now hang on!

C: You have his number?!

A: This is all crazy right?! Gotta go now! I'll text you when I'm home later!

Not wanting to seem desperate by texting him just minutes after he left, I decided to get ready first. I showered and stood infront of a pile of clothes on my bed. I hadn't gone on a date in ages. And never with someone like Danny... what should I wear? I decided to wear skinny black jeans and a loose gray sweater. My wavy, ginger hair fell losely over my shoulders.  I barely put any make up on and sat down on the couch again. I had to be at Danny's in an hour. Time to text him. Whem I pulled out my phone I already had a text from him.

D: Hey Ava! Can't wait to see you! x

A: Dan! Can't wait either! Just one problem... x

D: Oh no! What's wrong? xx

A: I have no idea where you live! x

D: Ohhh! Shit...I forgot to mention that! Just meet me at the bar we met in 15 minutes and we can walk from there xx

A: Ok see ya! x

I grabbed my purse and walked straight to the bar. A date with Danny O'Donoghue...I had no idea what to expect.

Mad Love (The Script//Danny O'Donoghue fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now