My babygirl Erica

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"Hey baby! I'm home." Eric yelled. A smile wiped across my face as I hear Eric cute voice boom to the upstairs. I walk to the steps to see him standing right in front of the door. A smirk comes to his face as he sees me.

I just got out of the shower so I'll I'm wearing is my white matching bra and panty set. Exposing my now 8 month pregnant belly.

"Hey baby." I smile as he walks towards me and kisses my lips then makes his way down to me neck then following to my stomach.

"Hey babygirl, it's daddy. I love you and I can't wait to see you and hold you." He whispers into my tummy to our unborn baby girl.

He continued, "imma make sure you get out here soon Ight. Cus I can't wait to hold you." He gets up off his knees.

"So, Lauren, have you decided on a name yet?" He looks at me. I looked down and played with my fingers.

"Um i was actually thinking Erica. In honor of you." I look up and see him grin.

"Ight. Well if you do that, imma need to make the middle name laurel rose in honor of you baby, whatchu think?" He bits his lips. And I look down blushing, it's crazy after so many years of knowing him he can still make me blush like a 13 year old.

"Ok baby, whatever you say." I smile, meeting his soft brown eyes. He leaned in and indulged me with his soft plump lips. He picked me up bridal style, and carried me to our king sized bed. He started to take off my panties but I stopped him by putting my foot on his chest.

"The baby remember?" I looked into his eyes. He nodded and slide my panties back into place.

"Ok but once lil Erica comes and you all healed. It's mine." He smirks hopping into bed with me as I giggled.

I felt slight pain in my stomach, it's the baby kicking I realized.

"You wanna feel her kick?" I look at Eric as he is watching tv. He smiles and nods.

He crept closers placing his hand on my stomach feeling slight kicks here and there. One big one happened. He smiled and looked into my eyes as if the best thing ever happened.

"She gonna be the best soccer player when she older just like her mommy." Eric said proud of me. I laughed.

I was the best soccer player in all of Compton, I mean not many people played but I could beat anyone who tried to defeat me. That's how I met Eric. He was leaving his basketball preseason workouts and saw a commotion of people crowding. It was me, beating the best girl in the state of California. And the moment I saw him I feel in love.

"Aye baby, why don't we go to bed. I'm sure your tired and I'm sure the tv is keeping you up." He says while pulling the covers over him then proceeding to rub my stomach again. I shook my head yes in agreement.

"I missed you." I whispered as he put his head into my neck.

"Babe I've missed you too." He says starting to kiss my neck.

I woke up to here Lauren breathing heavy and I soon felt a wet spot on the bed under her.

"Baby, did you pee? It's okay if you did I jus-." She paused my sentence.

"E. I need you to go get me one of your white shirts and get me some leggings. And the hospital bag." She says calmly.

"S-so we're having a baby right now?" I questioned shocked as fuck.

"Eazy just do what I said because I don't know how much longer she wants to stay in here!" She said a little less calmly. I grabbed all the stuff she told me to and I helped her put on her clothes.

I carried her bridal style out to the BMW. Because I know personally she thinks it's more comfortable.

I buckled her in and came to my side too and buckled myself in.


Lauren looks up shocked.
"E? Did you buckle your seat?" She sounded like she was interrogating me.

"Yeah." I could tell she was shocked. "I want us to be safe. And from now on I'm going to wear my seatbelt. For you and the baby." She smiled and that's the smile I fell in love with. She makes me want to kiss her for the first time again over and over.

"Um that's nice and all but can you please get me to the hospital?" She questioned aggravated. I shook my head yes and stepped on the gas.

We finally arrived at the hospital. I run to the front desk and I'm wheeling Lauren. She started breathing really heavy. Soon a doctor came and wheeled her away with me quickly following.

"Eric?" She looks around and could see me so I ran to grab her small hand.

"Right here baby." I smile as she does the same. "Imma be right here the whole time." We finally get to her room and they put her into a gown.

"Eric. Eric." She starts out of breath, which reminds me of nine months ago.
"Come here and hold my hand." She says while trying to control her breathing.

"Mrs. Wright, were going to need you to push." The doctor said. She shook her head then squeezed the fuck out of my hand. "Alright come on, one more big push."

"You got this baby." I said while rubbing her hand with my unoccupied hand. "Your doing good." I said while seeing my babygirl half way out

After that push my babygirl came.

They doctors wiped all the blood off of her and handed her to us.

"Hello Erica Laurel Wright." Lauren giggled as a tear rolled down her cheek.
She looked up at me with the biggest smile on her face. "We did it baby." Another tear followed the other one.

She handed me lil Erica. She is the most perfect thing, Well next to her mother. She has my nose but other then that she is her mama. She has her hazel eyes, and Lauren's lips. And of course her dimples.

"She is perfect." I smile. "Just like you." I said to Lauren. "Love you baby."

"Love you too." She cooed.

Erica started crying. So I handed her to the nurse.

It all happened so fast.

"I'm sorry, she's gone." The doctor said and all I could do was cry. I was so anger. My nose flared up. I look at Lauren and she is balling. I started breathing heavy indicating I was beyond pissed. I ran out of the hospital and ran to my car without thinking.

"Damn It!" I yell as I sped away. I drove faster then I have in awhile. Then boom!

I woke up in my bed, Lauren next to me still pregnant and sleeping peacefully.
Fuck, it was just a dream. I was still crying. Shit that dream got me all soft.
I look at Lauren and rub her stomach.

"Babe, I have a feeling Erica is coming today." I whisper into her ear.

"Me too baby, get some sleep tho. I Love you."

"I love you too laur." I kissed her, then smiled and rubbed her stomach til we both fell asleep.

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