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This is a preview to my new story which will be out very soon!! If you want to read just check out my profile!! Anyways it will be out soon maybe as soon as today. Sorry if this a short but it's about all I want to shop out right now. Also I put more previews out later💓 anyways see yaaaa

"Done." I whisper to myself as I wrote the final words of my song.

My song was called distance. I wrote it about my ex-boyfriend Eric. I haven't seen him since I was 15, I'm 19 now. He left me. He said we would be together forever. But that was my mistake for believing him. I don't know what he is doing now.

But as far as me, I'm very successful! I write and sing songs. Sometimes I rap, but not often. I did have a child with Eric that he didn't and doesn't know about.

Eazy-E imagines [short and long] Where stories live. Discover now