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As the gun shot it all happened so fast, I remember looking at the love of my life dive in front of me and Eric jr. making sure the bullet wouldn't hit either one of us.

"Noooooo." I said fast but everyone seemed like it was slow motion.

If only I had made him leave an hour earlier.

If I made sure he didn't jump in front of the gun.

Why couldn't have been me?!

I replayed the situation at least a million and one times in my head.

This waiting room wasn't helping me either, all our friends from NWA were here. So we're our kids.

Nothing helped. No matter how many times I heard I love you. From my children. It would never compare to Eric's I love yous. Don't get me wrong I love my kids to death, but he is the love of my life.

I sat there tapping my fingers against the sit losing all my patience.

"Mrs. Wright?" The nurse called out. As I ran up to her. "You can visit your husband now. We're not sure how much longer he has." The nurse says with fake sympathy laced into her fake voice.

I walked towards Eric's room all by myself. Wanting me to only be with him knowing that he is all I wanted nothing more.

"Eric?" I cry into his shirt.

"Hey baby." He says with a smirk looking like death. He was so pale and fragile looking, I wanted to kiss him all over to make sure he knew I loved him.

"Please don't go." I whisper still broken in tears.

"Babygirl. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here so stop all that crying." He said right back knowing it still wouldn't make me feel better.

"E but they said you have a huge chance still dying." I spoke with tear drops trickling down my face.

"Deja, you know me. People don't have faith in me but I always prove them wrong." He smirks.

"I hope so." I smile weakly knowing that was not the case. I knew he is strong but I know that he also is cocky.

That night I stayed with him all night allowing some of his friends and family in. Of course letting our children say their goodbyes to their father.

But anyways that whole night we talked about our lives like we never had ever. He told me how much he loved me and as I did the same. He told me not to be upset and to be happy that he isn't in this horrible racist world.

He knew I wouldn't survive off my own happiness for long. He made me promise to find a man that is handsome and that will treat me right.

But Eric didn't die that night or the next day or even the next week. We lived on to have 2 more kids, so 4 in counting.  As we grew old together we soon found ourselves with 10 grandchildren. We were truly blessed when he lived threw the shot to the stomach. But that is my man strong and tuff.

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