You Don't Feel The Same by @EmmaEverAfter

47 4 7

Genre: Teen Fiction  (I would say romance, but it's kinda blurred lines there.)

Summary: Eh, a gay book about two best friends who fall in luuurve ❤

Statistic Score: 97% (if I had counted the positives, it would be in the 125% ish, ) A+

My score: A+ 

This was probably one of the easiest ones to review of them all. I had to look really hard for any errors, and following the flow of the story was easy. 


-2 for commas

-1 for spelling

*Note: I'm only going to mark the negatives for this one. There are so many positives......*


Amazing voice! Plenty of passion, and I can tell you care about the characters and truly like your story!

You have enough transitions that it feels really natural, and the whole story progresses quite well. Sometimes it can be hard to jump back and forth from the past to the present without it getting jumbled, but you did it very well!

There is a perfect balance on the descriptions. Not overdoing it, but enough so we know what's happening. 

Your characters are relatable. Maybe not everyone can relate to a gay boy in love with his best friend, but most can relate to heart-wrenching confessions, to broken love, and to warped friendships. It does bring the LGBTQ+ to light. 

You hook us! I honestly will keep reading it, not because I have to, but because I want to . It is a very well-written story!


Just about the perfect romance for anyone. You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to understand and connect with the character, and it is written well. The only downfall (if you think it's a downfall) is that is has short chapters, which might make the statistics skewed, but the positives far outweigh the negatives here. 

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