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"Where have you been?"

Cupid opens up the door to the store. He looks like he has an attitude right now. He should. I've been MIA. I've been hiding out. I can't escape the fact that I let Storm in and he was the one who really killed Lady at the end of the day. I was falling for a murderer. The weight of it all was too fucking much. I had no idea who I was dealing with. I never did.

"You were right," I realize, "About them..."

We head to the back. It's been three days. Three days that I've avoided everything that had to do with Storm or his friends. I had forgotten what I should have always remembered. I was there to find out what happened to Malachi.

I tell Cupid the story in the back. Cupid rubs my shoulder. I guess he's trying to calm me down but right now it isn't working. Three days and nothing. I look down at my phone. It's ringing again.

"Is it him?" he asks me.

I nod. Storm has been calling frequently.

"When I overheard him and Savannah, he returned to the table afterward," I explain to Cupid, "I tried to play it off but it was all in my tone. It was all my voice. He asked me what was wrong. I told him that there was nothing wrong. I was lying like shit and he knew. He kept grabbing my hand..."


I shrug, "Maybe. It was hard. I told him I had to use the bathroom. Truth was, I just had to get away. I left his apartment and never came back."

Ever since then Storm has been blowing up my phone and sending me millions of text messages. He had to know deep inside that I had overheard what he admitted to.

"So he admitted to killing Lady and Malachi?"

I can't catch my breath. The nervousness is making me breathe extra hard as I tell the story. I feel like an idiot coming back to Cupid and admitting he was right about Storm, but I have nowhere else to go. I have no one else to turn to.

"Just Lady, but if he killed her then he probably had something to do with Malachi too."

"Damn friend," he responds, "I'm sorry."

We have a moment where I feel like even though we been through a whole bunch of shit Cupid is still my best friend at the end of the day. I had been neglecting our friendship chasing after Storm but now I was realizing that this was the guy who was there at the end of the day.

"I'm sorry too. For not believing you."

"Listen, when I spoke to Lady I saw some desperation in her eyes," he tells me, "I could tell something really happened to her. You didn't see her face. I can understand why you doubted it."

"So we good?" I ask him.

Cupid thinks about it for a minute in his usual dramatic way. Soon enough he extends me a hand, though.

"Hell yeah. We good. You my bitch."

Before I can reach out to shake his hand he pulls me in for a tight hug. It comforts me for a moment. It makes me feel like maybe I didn't make all the bad choices in the world. Soon enough, though, my reality sinks back in. I knew about a murder.

"I don't know what I'm going to do Cupid," I admit.

"Shit. That's a good question."

"Should I go to the cops?"

"You really want to get involved in a murder case, Demarco?" he asks me.

Truth was, I was already involved whether I wanted to be or not. I understood what Cupid was trying to say, though. This shit was serious. I could be ruining three people's lives.

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