Chapter 7. Drifting away? or Drawing closer?

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5 years later...

Mavis woke up on the cold grass. She got up and slowly rubbed her eyes. Upon seeing that Zeref wasn't there, she looked into the deep forest.

The little hair on top her head began swaying until it stopped.

"Argh, he directed me...again!" Mavis complained viciously.

Mavis was walking through the forest, searching for her friend.

"Zeref, where are you? Zeref?"

Meanwhile, Zeref was practicing a few of the Black Arts when heard Mavis' voice. He carefully and quickly put the book back where he hid it for all those years.


"Oh, hi Mavis."

Then a loud slap was heard throughout the island. Zeref had a  red mark on his face.

"What was that for?"

"Ditching me." Mavis answered crying. "You promised not to leave me remember?"

"Right, let's make breakfast. I promise it will happen less often" Zeref promised smiling.

"Why does this place look so lifeless?" Mavis questioned looking around.

"Um, that how I found it this morning, come on. Let's go." Zeref answers nervously and starting to walk away with Mavis.

"This is weird. He's not the same Zeref I knew 5 yrs ago. He hardly ever talks or laugh and when he does it feels weird. I have to get my friend back."

At their camp, Mavis was done cooking the food and Zeref was sitting quietly on the ground.

"Here's your food."

"Thanks." Zeref thanked smiling.  Mavis was apparently still pissed by this morning so she threw the hot fish in his face.

"Ahahaha! My Face, Mavis what the hell was that for."

"For ditching me."

"You still on that?"

"When I make promises, I follow them through. I think you know that very well."

"Fine. I'm sorry for ditching you." Zeref apologized softly hugging Mavis.

Mavis  had a tint of red on her face. She was happy that her friend remembered her but she was more surprised at his action.

Out of fear, probably, she pushed Zeref off.

"Now, I have  to go to the stream to take a bath, I'll be back." Mavis answered with a red face and her back facing Zeref.

She didn't want him to get any wrong ideas so she  just left immediately.


Mavis' clothes were spread on the grass, drying while she was soaking in the pool. This  morning was weird and she had all these weird feelings appearing.

What did this mean?

"Yo!" Zeref greeted happily

"Woah!" Zeref exclaimed as he dodged a rock.

"Zeref what's wrong with you? I said I was taking a bath in this stream." Mavis complained.

"Well, I distinctively remember that I wanted to take bath too in this stream." Zeref stated getting annoyed.

He was probably lying but Mavis bought it.

"At least, go to the furthest end of the river." Mavis said turning a side hoping to cover up her boobs (that she didn't have).

"Fine, but you're coming with me." Zeref smirked pulling Mavis towards him.

"Zeref! Stop!" Mavis yelled like a helpless baby.

Stopping , Mavis was just a few centimetres away from him and she couldn't stop showing her red face.

"Come on, Mavis. Did you really think that I'm that much of a perv?" Zeref asked with his hands on her shoulders.

"Yes." Mavis answered clucking her tongue.

"What made you think that?"  Zeref asked.

"I don't know. I just thought." Mavis answered back, upset..

"I want to be friends with you again. I missed you."

Those words rang like bells into Mavis' heart. She wanted to be friends with him again.

But that last part made Mavis have a little tint on her face.

"Y..You" She stuttered nervously turning around slowly.

"Yes, I did." Zeref answered smiling with his hands in her shoulders, again.

Zeref so badly wanted to kiss her but he didn't know how she'd react. That action might probably scare her.

Mavis was feeling a new feeling that she hadn't felt before. It was like she wanted Zeref to hold her tightly forever. It was all she ever wanted.

" I think I should go and change now." Mavis stated slightly pushing Zeref away, grabbing her towel then her clothes Afterwards, she made a run for it.

He as like the same Zeref she knew 5 yrs ago but different somehow and she like that difference.

What was happening to her?


Okee Dokee folks. Surprises are coming but if you know my style of writing well then you'd probably know.

Don't tell anyone!

As always.




Enjoy ^_^

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