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She was kneeling down weeping.

He was facing the window, his back to her. He appeared to be watching the rainfall but his mind was far from it.

He was staring at nothing in particular but his mind was nowhere and everywhere.

The thunder strikes loudly making her jolt and look up at his back before looking down again.

The rain kept pouring heavily and one may think that heaven share her sorrow and is crying for her.

Slowly, he turned and faced her with bloodshot eyes which was evidence that he had also been crying.

'Why?' He asked with a gruff voice but his question was met with dead silence.

'Why did you lie to me?' He asked again.

She looked up at his face and saw the sadness in his eyes.

'I...' She opened her mouth to talk but no word would form. 'I...I...I'm...s...sorry' she said with a shaky voice.

With a pained look in his eyes, he placed his right hand over his chest and closed his eyes. He said the word that had clogged his throat.

"I, Ilyas Hussein..." He paused. "...I divorce you, Ruqqoyah Bashir".

Upon hearing those words, she sank further into the floor and her world came crumbling down.

* * *

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That's the prologue, please show your support for this girl.
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