14. Surprise and Foetus

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"Mom, the baige or the peach?" Samiah asked her mother as she sat next to her on the cushion in their living room.

She has being confused on the two colour of a mini gown she saw online which she intended to wear to Ruqqoyah sisters' night function which is in three days time.

"Anyone" Hawah replied subconsciously without taking a glance at what her daughter was showing her.

"Haba mom, I'm asking because I can't decide. Please now" Samiah pleaded.

"I said anyone" Hawah said brusquely.

"But mom..."

She was about to protest further but her mother cut her off abruptly.

"Your sister's night or someone else's?" Hawah questioned still focus on her phone.

Samiah sighed dejectedly knowing where the conversation is heading. It has become her mom's new anthem to always remind her on her issue of being single.

The life of an only child.

"Mom I'm working on it" She whispered not sure if her mum heard her or not.

But words like that won't go unheard by Hawah. She heard her perfectly right. She straightened on her sit and turn to face Samiah with a blinding smile.

"You are working on it?" She asked and the latter nods in affirmative.

"Like you have someone in mind?" She received a nod as reply again.

"Ma Shaa Allah baby, tell me who is he?" Hawah asked still smiling.

"I can't tell you yet" Samiah replied.

Hawah smile turned upside down into a frown "What do you mean by that, are trying to play upon my intelligence?"

"Mum its not like that, I will tell you when its time" She noticed the look of doubt on her mother's face and quickly added "Very soon."

"It had better be sweetheart" Hawah said with a daring smile.

"So the baige or peach"


*    *    *

"Who's gonna best you, Sam or I?" Becca questioned Ruqqoyah excitedly.

They were in Ruqqoyah's bedroom going over some list of food to be prepared for the occasion.

"If we are to go by protocol, it would be Samiah not you and we all know why." Ruqqoyah teased.

"Whatever. I'm still doing your makeup though." Becca countered.

"Of course but madam painter its nude I want o."

"OK sha. In three days time you will be Mrs. Hussein" Becca said wriggling her eyebrow.

"Point of correction, I will still remain Ruqqoyah Bashir only the title will change to Mrs."

Becca looked puzzled and lost "Why is that?"

Ruqqoyah smiled at this "Because Islam allow us to continue using our maiden's name after marriage just like Prophet Muhammad's (S.A.W) wives and daughters." She explained.

"Oh wow that's new for me" Becca said.

"Not only you many Muslims have no knowledge of it too"

"Knowledge of what?" Samiah queried as soon as she entered the room.

"Knowledge of none of your business." Ruqqoyah said with a frown.

"She can't even knock. Where's your manner?" Becca said.

"The door isn't locked." Samiah explained.

"Who asked her?" Ruqqoyah queried.

"I wonder o" Becca piped in.

"Alright, why do you guys wanna roast me alive?" Samiah asked throwing her hand up for emphasis.

"What time is it?" Ruqqoyah queried taking a glance at her wall clock.

"Okay I'm sorry but if you know what I just battled with mom at home, you will be feeling sorry for me." Samiah sighed dejectedly.

"Was is it about marriage again?" Becca asked. Samiah just gave her a thumb up as answer before she dramatically fall on the bed.

"You too should answer her now and do what she wants." Becca advised.

"You don't understand." Samiah said as she exchanged a knowing look with Ruqqoyah which Becca didn't missed.

"So you guys are now hiding things from me right, no problem o" Becca shunned crossing her arm over her chest.

"Calm down dude, it ain't like that." Ruqqoyah said.

Samiah sit up and turned to face Becca properly "I've got a little heart trouble"

Becca furrowed her brow not getting what she meant at first before understanding dawned on her "Does that means what I'm thinking?"

"If what you are thinking includes me liking someone then you are right."

"Oh my God!" Becca squealed doing some happy dance "Have you informed the person."

"Uhm I'm not sure." Samiah said looking at Ruqqoyah for answer.

"I haven't and I have" Ruqqoyah replied.

"Wait first" Becca raised her two hands in a stop motion "If Ruqqoyah is the one you sent for the job or errand or whatever, does that means the person is who I'm thinking?"

"If the person you are thinking is Khalid Hussein then you are right" Samiah answered.

"Oh my God again!" Becca collapsed on bed rubbing her stomach "Please that's enough surprise for a day, this foetus right here can only take so much at once" She said with her hand still on her stomach.

"What foetus?" Samiah asked.

"By foetus do you mean..." Ruqqoyah exchange a brief glance with Samiah who also just realise what Becca meant.

"Ma Shaa Allah" They squealed in unison.

"Congratulations love, I'm so happy for you." Samiah said hugging Becca tightly before Ruqqoyah dragged her back.

"Don't suffocate the baby with too much love jhor. Congratulations baby boo." Ruqqoyah hugged Becca.

"Thanks darlings it will soon be your turn" Becca winked at Ruqqoyah.

"Now back to discussion what do you mean by what you said earlier?" Becca inquired.

Ruqqoyah narrated what transpired between her and her brother to them leaving out the Yasmin part.

"Did he tell you who he likes?" Samiah questioned.

"No he didn't." Ruqqoyah lied.

"It will be hard but don't dwell over it too much yeah? Que sera sera right?" Becca advised just as her phone beeped. "That's Sam, he is downstairs so I've to get going"

"Alright thanks and congratulations once again" Samiah smiled.

"That's the spirit. Bye guys we will chat later."

Becca said as she stepped out and opened the door but was surprised by the sight before her.

Standing right outside the door was Khalid Bashir himself.

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