43. Right the Wrong.

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Two separate entities, emotion and feelings that could stay solely on their own or most times go hand in hand. One can trust without love but can one love without trust?

If you love someone, that's means you trust them enough to give them your heart and probably soul? It means they are worthy of being a mate to your soul.

We really won't know how much we love a person until we are fighting all we can to keep them even if we can trust them no more. When there seize to exist trust in any affairs, it wouldn't be a surprise if it crashed.

The whistling from the kettle brought Ruqqoyah out of her reverie, she sighed moving away from the cabinet she was leaning on, she switched off the cooker and pour the water into a mug.

She took the water to the dinning room and sat on of the seats. She watched as the vapor oozed from the water before vanishing into the air and wished she could just do the same, vanished.

It had been two months since the divorce and her idha period will soon be over. How would she faced the world and what explanation will she give to those who may care to ask. And obviously there would be tons and tons of gossip and judgement, which she wasn't too sure how she will handle them all.

She sighed again. She had been doing that a lot lately which was a given, when she's usually carried away in thought. How will everything be after her divorce and then Khalid and Yasmin get married?

She lifted the cup to her mouth and took a sip of the now warm water. When couldn't think of anything to eat, she decided to just drink some tea but by the time the water was ready, she no longer has interest in the tea, and just drank the water plainly.

She was half way into her drink, when she heard Ilyas drove in. Her heart skipped a bit when he finally entered. He saw her in the dinning room and tesleemed at her which she gave the appropriate reply to.

She sighed as she watched him disappeared into his room, concluding that's where he will remain until it is time for night prayer. He was a bit late today, he had probably prayed moghrib before coming home.

Ilyas came out of the room and head to the dinning room. He met Ruqqoyah there staring into space, oblivious of his presence. He dragged a chair and sat on it. The movement brought Ruqqoyah out of her train of thought.

"I want some cereal." Ilyas said in monotone.

Ruqqoyah looked surprised as if she had just seen a jinn. "You want cereal." She said, not sure if she had just made a statement or asked a question.

"Na'am." He replied.

She stood up hesitantly, with quizzical expression on her face, she had a look as if to ask if that's was really Ilyas who had just required for cereal.

Ilyas sighed, not surprised at how she had reacted to his request for cereal. He hadn't eaten anything at home for over a month now. He was broken when he came to know of everything, that he allowed his emotions to cloud his judgement, not even given her the benefit of doubt in the slightest. A judgement he passed without knowing her side of the story. It took an explanation from an outsider for him to reflect on his verdict.


Earlier that day.

Ilyas had his nose buried in the paper in front of him. His entire attention was on the plan of a building he was currently working on. The shrilling sound from the telephone made him groan inwardly, he threw the pencil on the desk, and took a quick glance at the progress he had made on the plan before picking up the telephone.

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