29. Two lines.

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Samiah entered the boutique feeling excited and over the moon. She couldn't wait to share the cause of her ecstatic feeling with her friends. She greeted the sales girls with a salam before heading for their office.

She tesleemed at her partner enthusiastically but was met with an opposite reaction. She was surprised at the unusual quietness of her friend and her over the moon feeling was melted by the cold atmosphere immediately.

She put her bag on her desk and sat on the seat opposite Ruqqoyah. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Samiah," Ruqqoyah croaked and she cleared her throat for a clearer voice. "I'm fine." Ruqqoyah added.

"That's sounds like a practiced answer." Samiah waited for her to talk, but when she got no reply in return, she continued. "You look pale and green."

Ruqqoyah shrugged. "That's because I've vomited almost all my guts out." She sighed.

The last three days have been hell for Ruqqoyah. She couldn't eat and the little amount she managed to swallowed were rejected by her stomach and the remnants came out the same way they went in.

"Are you sick?" Samiah stretched her hand and touch Ruqqoyah's forehead to feel her temperature. "You do not have a fever."

"I don't, I've just been vomiting since..." She was cut off by Samiah.

"Since when?" She asked, her voice above normal octave.

"Two or three days." Ruqqoyah replied.

"OMG! Wait, when last did you had your period." Samiah queried, eagerly waiting for Ruqqoyah's reply.

"Last month but..." She froze for a second before counting her fingers.

Samiah shook her head at her. "You are too old fashioned. There are tons of app on play store."

"Shut up, I'm trying to count." Ruqqoyah said then returned to her count. "It's eight days late."

"Oh my God!" Samiah exclaimed. "We are going to the pharmacy right now."

"What for?" Ruqqoyah asked.

"To get test kit of course." Samiah replied, she stood up ready to carry her bag before Ruqqoyah spoke.

"I will get it on my way home."

Samiah hand froze on her bag and looked at her friend for answer to her unspoken question. When Ruqqoyah didn't seem to have read her mind she asked. "Why ain't we getting it now?"

"I will do it at home," She paused. "I want my husband to be the first to know."

Samiah raised her hand in surrender. "Alright,  you do have a point but I want to be the second on that list."

"I promised." Ruqqoyah smiled her left hand gingerly placed on her stomach. "What if it's not there?" She questioned as an afterthought.

"It is there, I'm sure of it." Samiah assured.

"Let's keep our fingers crossed then." Ruqqoyah said.

"Now, while we wait for that good news, another one is here." Samiah stood up and move back to her seat followed by Ruqqoyah's gaze.

Ruqqoyah asked. "What news?"

Samiah dug her hand into her handbag and brought out two fancy envelopes. "Guess what these are?"

"Uhm..." Ruqqoyah tapped her chin trying to think but arrived at nothing. "Can't guess."

"These...," Samiah waved the envelopes in the air. "...are wedding invitation." She walked to Ruqqoyah's side and placed an envelope on the
desk. "My wedding invitation to be exact."

"Ma Shaa Allah!" Ruqqoyah exclaimed, did some crazy happy dance then hugged her friend tightly. "I'm so happy for you babe." Samiah settled on the seat in front of Ruqqoyah.

"Thank you." Samiah replied, beaming.

Ruqqoyah folded her arms on her chest, feigning annoyance."Why I'm I just getting informed?" She pouted.

"Sorry, I just got them this morning as well. Mum is in charge of everything." Samiah pleaded.

"And I trust mummy to plan everything incredulously." Ruqqoyah said laying emphasis on the incredulously.

"You can say that again." Samiah grinned.

"So when is the wedding?" Ruqqoyah asked.

"In a month time." Samiah replied.


"I need to get something from the supermarket." Ruqqoyah said to Ilyas on their way home.

"What do you want to buy?." He asked.

"I'm just getting some snacks." She said.

"Alright, lemme find somewhere safe to park." After he had parked, Ruqqoyah opened the car door and alighted. "I will be back." She said and made to leave before Ilyas stopped her.

"Wait let's go together." He said as he got down from the car.

"Don't bother." She said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I will be back real quick." She turned and leave.

Some minutes later, Ilyas watched her exist the supermarket holding a plastic bag.

"Let's go." She opened the car door and hopped in. Ilyas did the same but didn't start the ignition.

"Why are we not moving?" She questioned.

He frowned. "Why didn't you take me with you?"

"I don't want to spend to much time there." She explained. "Is that why you are frowning?" She asked with a teasing smile.

"Lemme alone o." He smiled back at her before starting the ignition.

"Do you want some pringles?" She took out the can of pringles and offered him some.

He took his gaze away from the windscreen and look at her briefly. "I'm not eating, I'm angry." He smiled.

"Who smile when they are angry?" She asked rhetorically. "Only you my man." She replied her self.

Later that night, when Ilyas was fast asleep, Ruqqoyah was in the bathroom with a used pregnancy test kit in her right hand. Her other hand was placed on her mouth which was slightly opened.

On the kit were two pink lines.

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