27. Him.

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Hi guys.

I changed a little detail in the synopsis because I don't want the story to drawl on for too long. The plot still remain the same though.




Ruqqoyah couldn't get a sleep that night. All she did was toss and turn and trying to close her eyes to catch some sleep but each time, nature failed her. It wasn't the actual fault of mother nature that she couldn't sleep, it was the state of her mind.

The disturbing message she had received on her mobile phone earlier had put her mind in a complete worrisome state.

I'm watching you.

The words kept ringing in her head and no matter how she tried, she couldn't stop her mind from repeating those words.

Who could it be?

She thought. She had made the mistake of deleting the message without saving the number or writing it down somewhere. How stupid that was? She questioned herself.

It was probably a prank.

She couldn't have put it past Khalid or Samiah even Rebecca to have played a fast one on her, because her life revolved around crazy set of people, including herself.

Or it was sent to a wrong number.

That's probably more like it. The sender might have pressed a wrong digit among the eleven numbers and got the message sent to the wrong person.

She sighed out loudly, feeling an incoming headache with the various thought that kept swimming in her head, an headache was inevitable.

Who was she kidding?.

Of course she knew the message was neither a prank nor a wrong one. It was directed at her, meant for her with the sole aim of ruining her sanity and the sender deserved a credit for that, because their goal have been achieved.

It was Him.

An animal in the skin of a - six feet two, fair skin, pointed nose, pearly white dentals, strong jawline, well toned abs - human, whom she had once fall head over heels for.

Something had told her it was him who sent that drink on their last day at Cloud Nine, but she ignored it and thought anyone's initial could be H. She knew from onset that she was wrong. It was him.

Her doom.

She sniffled, and wipe a lone tear that escaped from her eyes. Ilyas turn and put a hand on her waist and she quickly shut her eyes, faking sleep, afraid of getting caught.

She took her phone underneath her pillow where she had kept it after receiving the message and switching it off. She pressed the power button and the phone light came on, she squinted her eyes to prevent the light from hurting her eyes and checked the time.

Four thirty in the morning.

She groaned inwardly as she got up from bed and made her way to the bathroom. She performed ablution then exited the bathroom. She put on a full length hijab and performed two rakah voluntary salah.

She sat down when she was done, raised her hands up to pray but instead she cried. She couldn't get a single word out of her mouth, the only thing she did was cry. She made a ball from the edge of her hijab and stuffed it in her mouth to prevent her whimpering from waking her husband.

When the water work finally came to a stop, she went back into the bathroom and splashed some water on her face. She dabbed her hijab on her face to get rid of the water.

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