11. Confession Time.

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Time went by in a blur and now it is just a month to the Nikkah. The preparation for the Nikkah is in full swing now and the two families are in a jolly mood.

It was a Saturday at around twelve thirty at noon. Khalid and their parents went out. It was their dad's birthday so Khalid had taken them to Imperial Kitchen for a celebration.

Ruqqoyah wanted to go with them but her mum had prohibited her from going anywhere. Her point was once it is a month before the wedding the bride shouldn't be moving about because of evil eyes.

Ruqqoyah had been tossing and turning in bed since morning not because she was bored out of her mind which was part of it but because she has a lot going on in her mind.

She keeps contemplating calling Ilyas and telling him what she has to say. She had been thinking about it a lot lately. At times she would feel like telling him and sometimes she would just dismiss it but her conscience wouldn't let her rest.

I have to tell him. She thought.

It's killing her. She had to let out her mind to him before she go out of her mind.

I don't think telling him is a good idea. She thought otherwise.

She was still thinking when she heard the adhan(call to prayer) being called on her phone. It was one twenty o'clock already.

She let the adhan stop playing before she got up from her bed and went to the bathroom to perform wudhu.

She came back to the room and performed her Dhur prayer. On her last sujood, she asked Allah for guidance on whatever decision she was about to make.

She sat on the prayer mat for a while and contemplate some more on her decision before getting up with a sigh.

With shaky fingers, she dialed Ilyas' number. She closed her eyes and brought the phone to her ear crossing her fingers and hoping he would pick up before she had a change of mind.

On the last ring, he did.

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"Are you seeing anyone?" Bashir asked Khalid once they have been given a seat at the restaurant.

Sekinah looked at him expectantly a part of her wanted him to say yes and another wanted him to say no because of what she had in mind for him.

"Uhmm....no," He said before quickly adding "Why are you asking?"

"Your sister is getting married in less than a month now so what is your view on her getting married before you?" Bashir Questioned.

"Well, I wish her a happy married life" He shrugged.

"Khalid Bashir" Sekinah yelled heads turned towards them while some just passed her a is she nuts? look.

"You are not going to pretend as if you don't understand what your dad is saying" She whisper yelled.

"I wasn't pretending" He said earning himself a glare from his mother.

"Now boy" Bashir said with such a calmness his family knows not to mess with in his voice.

"Tell me are you seeing anyone at the moment or rather have you promised anyone marriage?" Bashir questioned further.

"No" He stated simply.

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