33. Confrontation.

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Ruqqoyah starred in astonishment at the sight before her, she couldn't believe what her eyes was seeing.

"Surprised?" The driver asked her mockingly.

Standing before her was Ameerah, whom she met on her last day during their honeymoon at Cloud Nine.

"Ameerah? Amy? You?" She asked not being able to form a proper sentence.

"Point of correction, the name is Susan, at your service." She gave a mock curtsey.

Ruqqoyah couldn't contained her surprise, she must have been very gullible not to have noticed through the fake character Amy or rather, Susan made herself into. Ilyas was right after all, she shouldn't have exchange her contact with a stranger.

Getting over her trance, "Were you the one sending those text all this while?" Ruqqoyah queried, thinking she had fell into the hand of some fraudsters on her own silly intuition. But the lilies...

"I sent those text." A voice answered her question and without looking at the person yet, she could tell whom the voice belongs to. The voice reverberated in her ears and she swallow nervously. All the courage and strong will she had felt earlier vanished into thin air.

She turned around and came face to face with the person she feared and hate most in the whole of her lifetime.

Still standing tall in his six foot as always, a bit fairer in complexion, he was donning a blue three piece suit which compliment his feature well. She may not want to admit but he is still as good looking as ever. Maybe even more.

"Are you not happy to see me?" He asked spreading his arm in a hug gesture.

"Did you sent her to me?" She ignored his question and pointed at Susan.

"Yes." He replied curtly and signalled for Susan to excuse them, she nodded and exited the room not before passing Ruqqoyah an annoying smile.

"Why?" Ruqqoyah asked in a small voice.

"Have a seat first." He gestured towards the cushions available in the room.

"Does it look like I'm here to sit?" She queried, getting pissed.

"I'm the host and I just want you to feel comfortable, but if you insist." He shrugged.

"How did you find me?" She asked.

After breaking contacts with him years ago, she cut off all means by which he could get in touch with her again. She changed her line and deactivated all her social media account. How he found her again was what she needed an answer to.

"It's a small planet." He shrugged.

"That doesn't answer my question." She said impatiently.

"Calm down kitten."

"Don't call me that!" She raged.

He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Zero."

"Zero what?" She looked puzzled.

"Wasn't that your husband's favorite number?" He smirked, expressing distaste at the use of the word 'husband'.

She looked lost for a second before understanding dawned on her. "Cloud Nine, you were at cloud nine?" She stated questioningly.

"Yes, I was there, isn't that fate?" He chuckled.

"What were you doing there, are you married?" She queried, scrunching up her face in disgust .

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